11 examples of blondin in sentences

BLONDIN, the great French tomfool, brought more people to Niagara Falls to see him, possibly, add a new Fall to the prospect, than ever the Falls themselves did.

In these gardens Blondin does his tricks at the height of a hundred feet.

From Blondin downwards, the public feats derive a large part of their wonder from the imposing height in the air at which they are done.

Or did he, foreshadowing the coming Blondin, then unplanned, stretch his tight-rope across the small Niagara that flashes down into the chasm of the St. Charles, and, kicking his boots off, carry some "mute, inglorious" Colcord over in an Indian bark basket?

Of Blondin on his rope there are numerous views; standing on one foot, on his head, carrying a man on his back, and one frightful picture, where he hangs by one leg, head downward, over the abyss.

Thus, M. Blondin has probably made as much of himself as can be made of mortal, in the respect of walking on a rope stretched at a great height from the ground.

" When one is six one cannot tell; And John, who at the Palace fell A victim to the Blondin Belle, Is wedded to another;

" To one of these delegations of ministers, Lincoln gave a response which while homely in its language must have presented to his callers a vivid picture of the burdens that were being carried by the leader of the state: "Gentlemen," he said, "suppose all the property you possess were in gold, and you had placed it in the hands of Blondin to carry across the Niagara River on a rope.

Would you shake the cable and keep shouting to him, 'Blondin, stand up a little straighter!

Blondin, stoop a little more; go a little faster; lean more to the south!

BLONDIN, CHARLES, an acrobat and rope-dancer, born at St. Omer, France; celebrated for his feats in crossing Niagara Falls on the tight-rope; b. 1824.

11 examples of  blondin  in sentences