17131 examples of blues in sentences

You will see the prettiest birds in all the world dressed in the brightest reds and greens and blues and purples.

Every letter from Glenside now meant "a spell of the blues" for Norma, who was beginning to have dark circles under her eyes.

She often conceals what she knows, from the fear of being thought to know too much; possibly because she knows I am not fond of blues.

Since their emancipation, the negroes in that part of the country had discarded the positive and gaudy colors that were their delight when they were slaves, and had transferred their fancy to delicate pinks, pale blues, and similar shades.

The blues should have a dark eye, the blues and tans ditto, with amber shades; livers and sandies, a light brown eye.

The blues should have a dark eye, the blues and tans ditto, with amber shades; livers and sandies, a light brown eye.

NOSELarge, well angled; blues and blues and tans should have black noses, livers and sandies flesh-coloured.

NOSELarge, well angled; blues and blues and tans should have black noses, livers and sandies flesh-coloured.

The blues, or smoke-coloured Pomeranians, have likewise their admirers, and among those who have taken up these as a speciality may be mentioned Miss Ives, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Loy, and Miss Ruby Cooke.

He leaned against the wall and listened to Taj Mahal playing the blues, keeping precise and honest time.

"You didn't think that tea at the Tower heavy last week, nor the ghosts in the mess-room of the Blues.

Blues, an anthology.

The weary blues.

(In Blues, fall 1929)

The Pagliacci blues.

Boarding house blues, by Faith Baldwin.

R573013. Really the blues.

R113449, 16Jun53, Art Shefte (A) Jazz breaks: tricks, blues, endings, etc.


The weary blues.

Boarding house blues, by Faith Baldwin.

The blues and how to play 'em.

Really the blues.

About us and around floated lambent reds and blues and greens.

" "To tell the truth, Tiffles, I had no intention of going, till this morning, when it suddenly occurred to me that a little trip in the country, and the fun of seeing your panorama and hearing you lecture, would drive away the blues.

17131 examples of  blues  in sentences