9 examples of bourgeon in sentences

Rare FLETCHER'S quill had soar'd up to the sky, And drawn down Gods to see the tragedy: Live famous Dramatist, let every spring Make thy Bay flourish, and fresh Bourgeons bring:

It is just the wasteful flare of it that leaves such a dazzle in old eyes, as they look back in fancy to the conflagration of fragrant fire which once bourgeoned and sang where these white ashes now slowly smoulder towards extinction.

Heaven send it happy dew, Earth lend it sap anew, Gayly to | bourgeon, and | broadly to | grow, While ev'ry | Highland glen Sends our shout | back agen, 'Roderigh Vich Alpine Dhu, ho! ieroe!'" WALTER SCOTT: Lady of the Lake, C. ii, St. 19.

Reality falls in passing into conceptual analysis; it mounts in living its own undivided lifeit buds and bourgeons, changes and creates.

He would be dischargedprobably by cablefor allowing the mine's bourgeoning prosperity to go to pieces in such fashion.

His court-room manner had bourgeoned into his best drawing-room blend of faintly implied gallantry and deep consideration.

Et chasse doucement les hommes vers la vie; Et l'on voit de ses vers, goutte à goutte, des pleurs Tomber sur les enfants, les femmes et les fleurs; Et des astres jaillir de ses strophes volantes; Et son chant fait pousser des bourgeons verts aux plantes; Et ses rêves sont faits d'aurore, et dans l'amour, Sa bouche chante et rit, toute pleine de jour.

As on a dark April day, with a lowering sky, you have seen the wind suddenly stir high in the heavens, and the sun look through on the dripping green of the young trees and the gay bourgeoning of the flowers, so, looking on my love's face as she took in my words, there awakened a kind of springtime joy.

And with their exit spring seemed to burst forth in sward, bourgeon and bud, and the clinging tendrils upon the castle walls grew heavy and pink with their greedy absorption of carbon dioxide from the warm atmosphere.

9 examples of  bourgeon  in sentences