94 examples of brand-new in sentences

He had a brand-new uniform on and no company mark, nor no equipments.

No sea captain becalmed in the doldrums ever whistled for a wind more earnestly than the British Jack tars prayed for a chance at the enemy during those three months of playing the cat to Germany's mouse; and on the other hand, the German sailors were, no doubt, equally desirious of a chance to demonstrate the fighting abilities of their brand-new battleships.

We had found a wonderful, brand-new flat which we could rent for twenty-five dollars a month.

And at this moment Mr. Bellingham entered the room carrying several large and evidently brand-new books in a strap.

You are not bound, and no more is he, to place your faith in these brand-new opinions.

It was as true of this poor young lady in her trunkless plight, as of any dishevelled Marius in crinoline, who sits down and weeps among the brand-new ruins of a Carthage of satin, lawns, and laces, that she had Nothing to Wear.

Even the fact that our deck-chairs were brand-new, and had our names boldly painted in handsome black letters across the back, failed to give us a thrill of pleasure.

It was amusing to see some of the latter class trudging down the hot and dusty road, with their shoes, which were brand-new, strung across their shoulders.

He turned then and led the way straight over to where the carriages were, and the next minute there was John touching his cap to me; only it was a brand-new John looking too sweet for anything in a chauffeur's cap and uniform.

He had been in the service of the store ever since it was opened, but such instructions as these meant a brand-new departure.

"Wat cher got for ma?" "I have given her a brand-new set of china for the dining-room," said Mr. Carraway.

They had not yet, but they were about to receive a brand-new mandate from a brand-new League of Nations, awkwardly qualified by Mr. Balfour's post-Armistice promise to the Zionists to give the country to the Jews, and by a war-time promise, in which the French had joined, to create an Arab kingdom for the Arabs.

They had not yet, but they were about to receive a brand-new mandate from a brand-new League of Nations, awkwardly qualified by Mr. Balfour's post-Armistice promise to the Zionists to give the country to the Jews, and by a war-time promise, in which the French had joined, to create an Arab kingdom for the Arabs.

It was a brand-new experience to ride away to prison in royal state like this.

He was a good little runner, and he done his best; but when I breasted the tape I won a quick-claim deed to his loose change, to a brand-new office over a drug-store, and to enough nickel-plated pliers for a wire-tapper.

"I thought we'd sell the old coffeepot to the junkman and get a brand-new car, a good one, but now" This was Wes.

They had disappeared under my very eyes; of a surety they must be at Martha's, but my conscience smote me when, on glancing at the clock, I saw that it was two hours since they left the breakfast table in their brand-new sailor suits, with the intention of showing them to her.

The little, brand-new Dresden clock on the mantel-piece chimed the three-quarters.

Yet your people have some way of making brand-new men and women of all kinds.

16 The platform was now thronged with young men, many of them being officers in a variety of brand-new uniforms, but most of them still in civilian clothes as they had left their workshops or their homes to obey the mobilization orders to join their military depots.

They were rabbits like himself, but quite furry and brand-new.

It is a brand-new bridegroom, with his marriage-money still in his coffers; and all the cream of the courtiers are with him.

You are not bound, and no more is he, to place your faith in these brand-new opinions.

"He'd a dozen of those collars, brand-new, when he came, and this, you see, is where he bought them; and where he bought them, there, too, he bought his ready-made suit of clothesthat was brand-new as well,here's the name on a tab inside the coat: Brown Brothers, Gentlemen's Outfitters, Exchange Street, Liverpool.

Already Jack had gone into one of his trances, as he does whenever there is a possibility of bearding a brand-new microbe in its den, whether it is in his own country or one beyond the seas.

94 examples of  brand-new  in sentences