Do we say burnout or burn out

burnout 2 occurrences

[U.S.]. dead stop, dead stand, dead lock; finis, cerrado [Sp.]; blowout, burnout, meltdown, disintegration; comma, colon, semicolon, period, full stop; end &c 67; death &c 360.

They were to spread throughout the plant and search for evidence of any burnout or other damage.

burn out 44 occurrences

"They will probably burn out in a couple of hours.

Iat the Red Pertolepe's command 'twas Idid burn out his eyes andcut off his hand'twas IIBlack Roger!

There were other co-operating causes, economical and social, for the decline of the empire; but this change alone, which was consummated by the time of Diocletian, was quite enough to burn out the candle of Roman strength at both ends.

We shall get air offensiveslet the experienced London reader think of an air raid going on hour after hour, day after daythat will really burn out and wreck towns, that will drive people mad by the thousand.

That is the devil's sowing, which God will burn out of you by the fire of affliction, as he did out of Jacob, and keep your faith safe, as good seed in his garner, for the use of your children after you, that you may teach them to walk in God's commandments and serve him in spirit and in truth.

Give me thy torch, boy:I will run a-tilt, And burn out both her eyes in my encounter.

'Fierce flames burn out quickly.

Why did the fervor of the Puritans burn out in England in one hundred years?

V. cool, fan, refrigerate, refresh, ice; congeal, freeze, glaciate; benumb, starve, pinch, chill, petrify, chill to the marrow, regelate^, nip, cut, pierce, bite, make one's teeth chatter, damp, slack quench; put out, stamp out; extinguish; go out, burn out (incombustibility) 388.1.

Leaving the smouldering flames to flicker and burn out in solitude, we again plunged into the darkness of the night, threading our way through the thick jungle grass, now loaded with dewy moisture, and dripping copious showers upon us from its high walls at either side of the narrow track.

It seemed bound to burn out the life that remained after the hemorrhage from his wounds had ceased.

"My poor patient is very ill; his life will burn out, if the fever is not stayed;" and as the frenzied laugh reached us, Dr. Percival forgot my presence; he passed his hand slowly across his brow, as if to retouch memory, and then taking down a volume, he began to read.

56 Why Grates Burn Out . . . . . . . . . .

Now, my conviction is, "which fire will not burn out of me," that to return fugitive slaves is sinto promise so to do, and not do it, is, if possible, baser still; and that any conjunction of circumstances which makes either necessary, is of the Devil, and not of God.

" "Our passions are true phoenixes: as the old burn out, the new straight rise up out of the ashes.

He would have us live out our lives, die one by one, till only one remains, and that one at last would die also, and they would cut down all the giant plants and weeds, kill all the giant under-life, burn out the traces of the Foodmake an end to us and to the Food for ever.

The fire fell from heaven, but could not burn out the accurst plague.

"Come, dinner first, and then talking, or the candles will burn out all alone!" CHAPTER XXVIII ON THE SHORE By the first of August, bird housekeeping was over at Orchard Farm.

It had to burn out, like a great fire, as such love always does.

That flame will burn out again, as it has burnt out many times before; but while the fire still leaps and glances in my heart I will try to put down exactly what it makes me feel I believe there are few books that give one, in the first place, more of the author's own heart.

Owing to the warmth, the fires used for cooking had been permitted to burn out, and the whole army seemed at peace.

George brought me two immense hickory torches, that together would burn out a winter night; and with one of our sugar camp tapers.

Finally the torches are thrown in a heap on the meadow and allowed to burn out.

When the fields had thus been circumambulated the remaining spills were thrown together in a heap and allowed to burn out.

Then she looked at him, and her eyes in their deep tragedy seemed to burn out of her deadly white face.

Do we say   burnout   or  burn out