1450 examples of cautious in sentences

See, they come; their approaching footsteps have brought the cautious animal from his cover.

Here they made cautious observation.

He was very busy as Langdon began his cautious climb up the gully.

All night he had been on guard, and he was cautious now.

I told them this in lectures at Glasgow long ago, and exhibited before them children to prove the truths I promulgated, both there and in other parts of Scotland, to convince a doubting and cautious public that my views were practicable.

No class of men are better able to appreciate and understand the principles on which a system of true education should be based than Scotchmen, and hence, though cautious in taking up new things, or new views of things, they can do justice to, and appreciate, that which is worthy of their attention.

" Gen. P. "Yes, my son, he was a toryin heart a firm torybut he intended to be cautious.

It is observed of over-cautious Generals, that they never engage in a Battel without securing a Retreat, in case the Event should not answer their Expectations; on the other hand, the greatest Conquerors have burnt their Ships, or broke down the Bridges behind them, as being determined either to succeed or die in the Engagement.

" They walked back toward the shop of the snuff-boxes gloomily discussing the situation, which was complicated by the fact that, grown cautious since the attempted burglary at the Valmont, Angela had left her most valuable jewellery in a bank at New York.

She was calm, judicious, cautious, and reflecting.

We soon came to another and wider cross-path; we stopped and our guide went forward again in the same cautious manner, stooping down and listening, like an Indian, near the ground.

Mücke is the most cautious of the ten authorities above listed; and he anticipated Walzel in his reference to Schreiber's Handbuch.

Hertz is about as cautious as Strodtmann; "Es ist kaum zu bezweifeln dass," etc. In Sämtliche Werke, I, 491.

" And looming through the fog, Mr. Ryfe approached with cautious, resolute step; carrying a revolver in his pocket, prepared to use it, too, on occasion, with the fearless energy of a desperate man.

With light, cautious movements Phil stepped out on to the oar, balancing himself like a tightrope dancer, and because he was so small and light he passed in safety where a heavier person would have been quickly submerged.

His adventures in various parts of the world had made him somewhat less cautious than he naturally would have been and so he trusted everything to his ability to get the best of the Virginian.

But some of his friends were more cautious.

My best friends, the most cautious guides of my youth, had entered into the speculating mania, and there appeared to be, in fact, nobody of means or standing, who had been proof against the temptation of getting rich soon.

The next step is a stoppage of specie paymenta total degradation of paper as a currencyunusual depression of prices, the ruin of debtors, and the accumulation of property in the hands of creditors and cautious capitalists.

The front line trench was not far from that of the Germans, but there was no activity beyond that of the snipers, and the Germans were being so cautious that ours were getting mighty few shots.

He was as reckless as McClellan was cautious, and on December 13 threw his army against the Confederates posted at Fredericksburg Heights and was beaten with dreadful slaughter.

I was even cautious of so much as approaching the window of my apartment, though upon the attic story; a principle I laid down to myself was, not wantonly and unnecessarily to expose myself to risk, however slight that risk might appear.

Shrewd enough to do this clever thing, Spark Holly was too cautious to spoil it by allowing his movement to be observed.

Evidently, then, the advocates of woman's claimsthose who hold that "the virtues of the man and the woman are the same," with Antisthenes,or that "the talent of the man and the woman is the same," with Socrates in Xenophon's "Banquet"must be cautious lest they attempt to prove too much.

Beware also seems to be a needless compound of be and the old adjective ware, wary, aware, cautious.

1450 examples of  cautious  in sentences