Do we say craft or kraft

craft 3072 occurrences

The air craft hovered above our heads, but we were forbidden to fire at it, the extremely difficult, almost vertical aim promising little success, aside from the danger of our bullets falling back among us.

Our reserves in the rear had apparently sighted the air craft too, for soon we heard a volley of rifle fire from that direction and simultaneously the aeroplane arose and disappeared in the clouds.

Mr. Ryfe could now congratulate himself that his puppets were fairly on the stage prepared for their several parts; and it remained but to bring them into play, and with that view, he summoned all the craft of his experience to assist the cunning of his nature.

The fisherman laughed in his little craft, If a landsman felt alarm, For never did gale a ship assail, Or a sailor suffer harm; There was nothing to fear, for the skies were clear, And the ocean always calm.

And he would make divers Instruments of Music to sound in an high Tower, so merrily, that it was Joy to hear; and no Man should see the Craft thereof.

While bells were ringing, whistles blowing and bands playing cheering strains of music the transports formed "in fleet in column of twos," and under convoy of some of the best war craft of our navy, and while the thousands on shore waved us godspeed, moved slowly down the bay on its mission to avenge the death of the heroes of our gallant Maine and to free suffering Cuba.

The small fishing harbour at Beadnell has the unique distinction of being the only harbour on the east coast whose mouth faces west, and the short pier, running inland from rocks to shore, acts as a breakwater against the heavy easterly or southeasterly seas and makes the harbour a safe anchorage for fishing craft or small yachts.

He beheld, and his craft restored his courage.

Well, here is everything you can wish; a mother, a niece, a house, a farm, barns, out-houses, garden and orchard; and, seated on that porch, you can smoke segars, take your grog, look at the craft going up and down the Hudson" "Nothing but so many bloody sloops," growled the mate.

The inward-bound craft say she is acting under some new orders, and they name several vessels that have been seen heading north-east after she had boarded them.

The Leander was a fifty, on two decks, a very silly sort of a craft; though she had manfully played her part at the Nile, and on one or two other rather celebrated occasions, and was a good vessel of the build.

Then, a more awkward set of long-shore fellows were never sent to manage a square-rigged craft, than these which have been sent from the Speedy.

Bear a hand with your suppers, my lads; this is too big a craft to be left without look-outs forward, though I dare say the Yankees will lend us a hand while you are swallowing a mouthful?" "To be sure we will, sir," cried Marble, who had come to the gangway to witness the proceedings.

And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them and wrought: (for by their occupation they were tent-makers.

the flat-bottomed craft with poles in their hands, with which they kept it clear of the rocks.

The Eagle protested that it was idle for him to try, as nature had not provided him with wings; but the Tortoise pressed him with entreaties and promises of treasure, insisting that it could only be a question of learning the craft of the air.

That was probably the work of an Austrian or German craft.

Mudros Bay, which is a great inlet in the south of the island of Lemnos, was alive with craft of all sorts.

Warships and transports by the dozen, British and French, were lying at anchor in every direction, and in and out among them, across the brilliant, sunlit waters, dashed picket boats and all sorts of small craft.

No one consequently suspected either his latent ambition, or the violent passions which he had craft enough to conceal; and thus the very individuals who were the objects of his hatred regarded him merely as a shallow and superficial young man, whose whole soul was in the puerile sports to which he had addicted himself.

"Artlesly; naturally, sincerely, without craft."Johnson.

As all the world will soon be in the air a few words of advice on choosing an aerial steed may be of assistance to intending fliers who have so far had no experience as owners of winged craft.

In this country, the anti-masonic persecutions of 1828, and a few years subsequently, by causing the cessation of many lodges, threw a vast number of Brethren out of all direct connection with the institution; on the restoration of peace, and the renewal of labor by the lodges, too many of these Brethren neglected to reunite themselves with the craft, and thus remained unaffiliated.

Senior Warden presides in absence of Master may invite a Past Master to preside presides over the craft during labor appoints the Junior Deacon Sentence in trials, how to be obtained is in abeyance pending an appeal Stewards, Grand.

[10] Of the thirty-six Grand Masters who have presided over the craft in England since the revival of Masonry in 1717, thirty have been noblemen, and three princes of the reigning family.

kraft 20 occurrences

1. Kraft und Stoff.

No more appropriate hero could have been found for the young "Kraft-Genies" of the "Sturm und Drang Periode" (Storm and Stress period) of German literature.

[Footnote 1: I suppose I am not going too far in saying "all agree;" for I think that the latest study of this subject, by Gustav Roskoff, disposes of Sir John Lubbock's doubts, as well as the crude statements of the author of Kraft und Stoff, and such like compilations.

Uhland has indicated this in his "Death of Tell," as only Uhland could: "Die Kraft derselben Liebe, Die du dem Knaben trugst, Ward einst in dir zum Triebe, Dass du den Zwingherrn schlugst.

I was rather startled the other day, to find it written in German, in my own hand, "I can not say the will is there," referring to a hymn which says, "Der Will ist da, die Kraft ist klein, Doch wird dir nicht zuwider seyn."

zu gründen: Sein Wort ist wahr, sein Werk ist klar, Sein heilger Mund hat Kraft und Grund, All Feind

Der Glaub an dich und deine Kraft Sei Trieb von jedem Triebe!


Charles Franklin Kraft (A); 22Jun66; R388064. KRAUCH, ELSA.

By Howard Preece & Celia Kraft.

Howard Preece & Celia Kraft (A); 22Apr74; R578502.

By James Lewis Kraft.

Pauline E. Kraft (W); 14Apr75; R602880.


Charles Franklin Kraft (A); 22Jun66; R388064. KRAUCH, ELSA.

By Howard Preece & Celia Kraft.

Howard Preece & Celia Kraft (A); 22Apr74; R578502.

By James Lewis Kraft.

Pauline E. Kraft (W); 14Apr75; R602880.

BÜCHNER, LUDWIG, physician and materialist, born at Darmstadt; lectured at Tübingen University; wrote a book entitled "Kraft und Stoff," i. e. Force and Matter, and had to retire into private practice as a physician on account of its materialistic philosophy, which he insisted on teaching (1824-1899).

Do we say   craft   or  kraft