68 examples of dark-skinned in sentences

South Africa contributed good gunners; our dark-skinned brethren in the West Indies furnished infantry who, when the fierce summer heat made the air in the Jordan Valley like a draught from a furnace, had a bayonet charge which aroused an Anzac brigade to enthusiasm (and Colonial free men can estimate bravery at its true value).

Dark-skinned men and women and children were in occupation, and all the household functions and processes were going on, though somewhat primitively.

" The consequence was, that the dark-skinned young fisherman was for once compelled to put up with his own boat, or rather his father's.

Its owner is a dark-skinned gipsy in aspect, in dress and manners a gentleman, with erect and handsome figure, but morose demeanour.

These dark-skinned tenants of the woods brought furs of wild animals with them, which they exchanged with the white men for knives, and beads, and baubles and trinkets of brass and tin.

And so expert are these dark-skinned natives of the western prairies, that they will creep into the midst of an enemy's camp, cut the lariats and hobbles of several horses, spring suddenly on their backs, and gallop away.

He had been startled, but his nerve was good and he knew something about the dark-skinned, reckless people of the South.

There were the two old Siwashes and their dark-skinned brood.

"Lord help the dark-skinned fool!

One of them was a heavy, gross, dark-skinned man, with the careless bearing of one who had been nursed in a circus.

Browne recognised the dark-skinned men as servants in the châteauthe major-domo, the chef, and the master of the stables.

To the young man's great surprise, those which came from Bob's dark-skinned associate were in English, as well as those which came from Bob himself.

One, again the dark-skinned, had his fingers locked tight on the other's throat.

A fifth, a dark-skinned Mexican, was standing by a stove in one corner baking pancakes.

Happy as nature the common mother intended, as irresponsibly idle, they dawdled here and there, back and forth while time drifted swiftly by; and unknown to them, concealed from view within the blind, a dark-skinned man lay watching.

" And a strange ceremony it must have been that the little timber church saw that April day in the year 1614, when the young colonist of good English family linked his fate with that of the dark-skinned girl of the tepee.

On another side of the quadrangle stood another long, low white building with a red-tiled roof; this held the kitchen and the living-rooms of the upper-grade peons, the headmen, the cook, and jaguar-hunters, with their families: dark-skinned men, their wives showing varied strains of white, Indian, and negro blood.

Our party consisted of Colonel Rondon, Lieutenant Rogacianoan excellent man, himself a native of Matto Grosso, of old Matto Grosso stocktwo others of the party from the Sao Joao ranch, Kermit, and myself, together with four dark-skinned camaradas, cowhands from the same ranch.

His dark-skinned women-folk kept in the furtive background.

Coir-coloured cargo bales are stacked round both masts, and her decks are crammed and double-crammed with dark-skinned passengersfrom the foc's'le where they interfere with the crew to the stern where they hamper the wheel.

He stood before the portrait of Daniel Kain, his father, a dark-skinned, longish face with a slightly-protruding nether lip, hollow temples, and a round chin, deeply cleft.

Never hit any nearer home than the unspeakable Turk, and then he was scared to death till he found out that the dark-skinned fellow under the gallery was an Armenian.

The animals that were preserved within their tombs or carved upon their walls by the ancient Egyptians were the same as those that have their home in the valley of the Nile today; the negro, whose peculiar features are unmistakable even in their rude artistic attempts to represent them, was the same woolly-haired, thick-lipped, flat-nosed, dark-skinned being in the days of the Rameses that he is now.

Yet Louizon was a fine dark-skinned fellow, well made for one of short stature.

Just beyond the nose of the sandstone promontory there was a bivouac of half naked, dark-skinned horsemen, recognizable at a glance as Apaches.

68 examples of  dark-skinned  in sentences