2475 examples of elbowed in sentences

" He elbowed me to the open air.

But I took him at his word and elbowed my way into the enclosure.

M. Pigot paused, his head bent in thought; and I seemed to be gazing with him down long avenues of crime, extending far into the pastdismal avenues like those of Père Lachaise, where tombs elbowed each other; where, at every step, one came face to face with a mystery, a secret, or a tragedy.

Grady elbowed his way savagely through the group.

Robertson Jones, caught in the eddies of women, buffeted by them, his toes stepped upon, elbowed, crowded, grew more and more scornful of their intelligence, and would probably have worked his way outif he could, but the impact of the crowd worked him forward.

And, at two o'clock in the morning, after offering Santerre an oyster supper at a night restaurant, the Seguins would come home, their minds unhinged by the imbecile literature and art to which they had taken for fashion's sake, vitiated yet more by the ignoble performance they had witnessed, and the base society they had elbowed at supper.

Men, and even women, elbowed him, unresenting, out of the way, without the semblance of an apology.

That is what struck me most when I elbowed my way into the court that morning and first caught sight of the millionaire in the dock.

O'Brallaghan thereupon observed that he despised Mr. Jinks too much to touch him, and would forgive him; and so he elbowed his way through the crowd of gossips and re-entered his shop, scowling at, and being scowled at by, the severe Mr. Jinks.

Some one elbowed past and went down.

Imagine losing Gounod and Nillson for the sake of struggling through the mob on a stifling staircase, and being elbowed by inane young men, with gardenias in their coats.' Lady Lesbia had a pretty little way of always opposing any suggestion of her sweetheart.

The barber from Eton and his seven daughters elbowed the dean who rented his back parlour, when he was in the sixth form,and who now was crowding to the front rank for a smile of majesty, having heard that the Bishop of Chester was seriously indisposed.

When the ceremonial was nearly complete, a French officer (not above the rank of captain) elbowed his way to the front and vigorously brushed aside the British High Commissioner and general, and stood with his back towards them as though they were mere outside spectators who had no business there.

The phrases of the noble Canon Chaucer have fallen to the lips of peasants and grooms, while many a pert Cockney saying has elbowed its sturdy way into her Majesty's High Court of Parliament.

" She had taken off her blouse, rolled up the sleeves of her waist with a business-like air and elbowed him away from the dishpan unceremoniously.

In a twinkling hell had elbowed out heaven, and there on the waters was hatred and savagery and the lust for blood.

he pushed and elbowed the gapers impatiently aside, and apologised to the prince for their curiosity.

" Hymbercourt had been standing in the back part of the room, paying little attention to the proceedings, but the mention of Calli's name in connection with the Swiss spies quickly roused him, and he hurriedly elbowed his way to the ducal throne.

The Nubian grunted, elbowed himself up, rolled his eyes, and pronounced a few utterly dispassionate words.

At a quarter before noon we left them and elbowed our way through the ever-gathering crowd towards our train.

Maitre Baudoin and his wife took leave of me at the comer, and I elbowed my way between the horses of a cavalry regiment, whose riders were sound asleep on the hard cobble pavement beside them.

Some came into Mess in fancy dress of their own design, and elbowed senior officers off the hearthrug.

Mirabeau himself would have elbowed his way through furbelows and court-rapiers more forbearingly than Richter.

In the crowds that flocked about his bier homespun elbowed gold lace in the grief of a common loss.

I'd rather never go to a dance at all, than sit still, or be elbowed about in the square dances.

2475 examples of  elbowed  in sentences