172 examples of hearn in sentences

I've hearn it said that when a man has eaten a hearty dinner, and goes to sleep with the hot sun pourin' right down on him, he's apt to see and hear a good many strange things before he wakes up.

Wal, Crop and I had Seen about all there was to be looked at about Tupper's Lake, and havin' hearn some pretty tall stories about the deer and moose up about the head of Bog River from an Ingen who'd hunted that section, I mentioned to Crop one mornin' that we'd take a trip into them parts.

I have seen more than our whole annual income lost by a single turn of a card at the establishment of the late Mr. P. Hearn, and also in private circles.


Translation by Lafcadio Hearn.

The Stranger; Lafcadio Hearn; Charles Dickens.

R64316, 10Jul50, The Bobbs-Merrill Co. (PWH) OLCOTT, Charles S. SEE The writings of Lafcadio Hearn.

R70151, 17Nov50, International Textbook Co. (PWH) WESTMORE, Elizabeth (Bisland) SEE The writings of Lafcadio Hearn.


SEE Hearn, Lafcadio.

© 20Nov23, A766069. R83788, 27Sep51, Mrs. Charles Downer Hazen (W) HEARN, LAFCADIO.


Maude Hearn O'Pry (A); 25Jul55; R153449.

Translation by Lafcadio Hearn.


"I hearn tell that you are willin' to do somethin' han'some fer a son-in-law.

Hearn, in New York, closes his department store all day Saturday during July and August.

An' you neber hearn tell ob her sence dey sole her to Georgia?" "Never," replied Robert, "but I would give everything I have on earth to see her once more.

Hearn suthin' go kerslap.

Peeked through, 'n' see a lot o' lights 'n' folks, 'n' hearn 'em talkin'.

Hearn 'em comin' upstairs 'n goin' 'cross th' floor over my head.

"Then they gin 'im a shove, 'n' I hearn 'im a-comin'.

Hearn Ray come out o' the box 'bove me.

'Fore I come up I hearn Ray rip int' th' water nigh me.

"Thet air's what I've hearn tell.

172 examples of  hearn  in sentences