22 examples of homework in sentences

The boy was doing his homework.

And because he had an inordinate amount of homework to do, he was also feeling quite resentful.

And you haven't even done your homework!

[measuring degree of learning of pupils] test, examination, exam; final exam, mid-term exam grade [result of measurement of learning], score, marks; A,B,C,D,E,F; gentleman's C; pass, fail, incomplete. homework; take-home lesson; exercise for the student; theme, project.

Of course I never even thought of doing my homework, and the labour of inventing new lies every day to account for my negligence became so wearisome that once or twice I told the truth and simply said I had not done it; but the masters held that this frankness aggravated the offence, and I had to take up anew my tiresome tale of improbable calamities.

From the windows of the houses you could watch all the traffic that went along the road, men and women and horses, and best of all, the boys going to school in the morningboys who had not done their homework and who would be late for prayers.

Much of this homework is done by a very bad light and the boy's eyes suffer much.

The Collar Laundry Workers of Troy, New York, had in 1866 about as bad wages as the sewing-women everywhere, but they were spared the curse of homework, as it was essentially a factory trade.

In no class of our city population do we find more of this atrocious evil, misnamed homework than among Italian families, and whether it is sewing, artificial-flower-or feather-making or nut-picking, neither grown daughters nor little children are spared here.

The curse of homework in cities ties the children down to willowing feathers or picking nuts or sewing on buttons, or carrying parcels to and from the shop that gives out the work, deprives them of both sleep and play, makes their attendance at school irregular, and dulls their brains during the hours they are with the teacher.

Gone is gone; or, The story of a man who wanted to do homework.

Florence Talpey Williams (W); 14Aug63; R320314. Homework.

YOUNG, I. H. Directed homework in Gregg shorthand; daily assignments to accompany The Gregg shorthand manual, anniversary edition.

SEE MARTIN, MARGARET P. BRO, MARGUERITTE H. How to make your homework count.

Directed homework in Gregg shorthand simplified.

Gone is gone; or, The story of a man who wanted to do homework.

Florence Talpey Williams (W); 14Aug63; R320314. Homework.

YOUNG, I. H. Directed homework in Gregg shorthand; daily assignments to accompany The Gregg shorthand manual, anniversary edition.

SEE MARTIN, MARGARET P. BRO, MARGUERITTE H. How to make your homework count.

Directed homework in Gregg shorthand simplified.

If she has shorter holidays, larger classes, and at the worst, but by no means inevitably, a lower stipend, these facts must be counterbalanced by remembering that she has comparatively few corrections, much less homework, and no pressure of external examining bodies, that her tenure is far less insecure, and that her training and education have been to a very large extent borne by the State or by local authorities.

The homework is no longer mere memorizing from some dry little manual, but requires thought and gives scope for originality.

22 examples of  homework  in sentences