97 examples of ione in sentences

It pleased his purpose best, where Ione was concerned, to leave her awhile surrounded by the vain youth of Pompeii, so that he might gain by comparison.

No sooner had the Greek departed than the Egyptian sought to poison Ione's mind against him by exaggerating his love of pleasure and by unscrupulously describing him as making light of Ione's love.

"Devote then," he went on, "to the austere friend of your youth one of these bright summer evenings, and let me boast that my gloomy mansion has been honoured with the presence of the admired Ione.

To save her from the cruelty of Burbo, Glaucus had purchased her, and, in return, the blind girl had become devoted to himso devoted that her gentle heart was torn when he made it plain to her that his action was prompted by mere natural kindness of heart, and that it was his purpose to send her to Ione.

On her arrival, Arbaces greeted Ione with deep respect.

Ione, do not reject my love!"

As it was, Ione was saved, and she and her lover were then and for ever reconciled to one another.

" Very quickly Arbaces discerned Julia's secret, and when he heard that Glaucus and Ione were shortly to be wedded, he gladly availed himself of this opportunity to rid himself of his hated rival.

She was jealous of Ione.

"I will prepare for you myself," said she, "the summer draught that Ione lovesof honey and weak wine cooled in snow.

"If Ione loves it, enough; it would be grateful were it poison.

Through the darkness Nydia guided Glaucus, now partly recovered from the effects of the poisoned draught, and Ione to the shore.

Utterly exhausted, Ione slept on the breast of Glaucus, and Nydia lay at his feet.

She felt for his hand; it was locked in that of Ione.


Ione Sandberg Shriber (A); 24Jul69; R466598.


Ione Sandberg Shriber (A); 8Nov68; R448088.



By Ione Robinson.

Ione Robinson (A); 6Feb74; R570118. R570119.

By Ione Sandberg Shriber.

Ione Sandberg Shriber (A); 5Mar74; R572215. R572217.

He had never spoken to me there, but Ione Carew knew him; and I was certain he would recognise me. . . .

97 examples of  ione  in sentences