230 examples of jacobites in sentences

Of course, the Jacobites made the most of this, and, as Horace Walpole has related, "the seraglio was food for all the venom of the Jacobites, and, indeed, nothing could be grosser that was vomited out in lampoons, libels, and every channel of abuse against the Sovereign and the new Court and chanted even in their hearing in the public streets.

Of course, the Jacobites made the most of this, and, as Horace Walpole has related, "the seraglio was food for all the venom of the Jacobites, and, indeed, nothing could be grosser that was vomited out in lampoons, libels, and every channel of abuse against the Sovereign and the new Court and chanted even in their hearing in the public streets.

Mar lived until 1732, dying at the age of fifty-seven, and he spent the years in losing the confidence of the Jacobites and endeavouring to ingratiate himself with the Hanoverian Kings of Englandin which latter quest he was markedly unsuccessful.

After James II was driven from the throne in 1688, his supporters and those of his descendants were called Jacobites.

Doubtless, he equally disliked the whole Protestant interest; and if the Tories and Church of England Jacobites of a later day had recalled James II., would Baxter have thought them culpable for imposing on him an Oath to preserve the Protestant Church of England and to inflict severe penalties on his own Church-fellows? Ib.

With some few exceptions, party-names continue to have their champions long after the parties they belonged to are as dead as the Jacobites.

Balfour of Burley refused to sheathe his sword, and Evandale followed his old commander Claverhouse (now Viscount Dundee) in joining the rebel Jacobites.

The comedy was a blow aimed at the Jacobites and the Pretender, who had met with such disastrous treatment in the rebellion of 1715, and was a skilfully-wrought laudation of the Hanoverian dynasty.[A]

" As the latter comedy depicts a self-indulgent, crawling hypocrite of the worst type, and is an eloquent sermon against sham, it may be imagined that the Jacobites were not over enthusiastic when they learned that the moral of "Tartuffe" was to be applied to them.[A]

" The Jacobites could not interfere with the triumph of the "Non-juror," but they were shrewd enough to bide their time.

TOPSELL, Edward, i. 138, n. 5. TORIES, defined, i. 294; iii. 174, n. 3; generated, how, iii. 326; hostile to Spain, i. 147, n. 5; identified with Jacobites, i. 429, n. 4; Of Tory and Whig, iv.

Mais depuis cette époque les chrétiens d'Asie, et spécialement ceux de Syrie, qui sont presque tous Nestoriens ou Jacobites, furent nommés chrétiens de la ceinture.]

Dans l'église du Sépulcre se trouvent aussi d'autres sortes de chrétiens: Jacobites, Erménins (Arméniens), Abécins (Abyssins), de la terre du prêtre Jehan, et chrétiens de la ceinture; mais de tous ce sont les Francs qui éprouvent la sujétion la plus dure.

The Jacobites had risen; they were crying aloud for their prince, who remained concealed in Lorraine, when at last he resolved to set out and traverse France secretly.

and the czar, intending to sustain, by their united forces, the attempts of the Jacobites in England.

The anger and severity displayed by the English government towards the Jacobites were aggravated by the checks encountered upon the Continent by the coalition.

One can't tell what assurances of support they may have from the Jacobites in England, or from the French; but nothing of either sort has yet appearedand if there does not, never was so desperate an enterprise.

in a pamphlet intitled a Vindication of his Excellency John Lord Carteret, from the charge of favouring none but Tories, High-Churchmen, and Jacobites.]

The Jacobites were forced to drink to the dregs the cup of bitterness they had so gladly administered to others.

He was a different man from any Dan 'd ever met before, something finer, and he might have been better, and Dan's loyal soul was glad to acknowledge him master, and I declare I believe he felt just as the Jacobites in the old songs used to feel for royal Charlie.

Honest old Jacobites, non-jurors, primitive thinkers, as well as scandalously lazy drunkards and illiterate dogs.

These kinds of advocates do infinite mischief to OUR GOOD CAUSE, by giving grounds to the unjust reproaches of TORIES and JACOBITES, who charge us with being enemies to the Church.

Hoc Ithacus velitThe Tories and Jacobites will behold us with a malicious pleasure, determined upon the ruin of our friends: For is not the present set of bishops almost entirely of that number, as well as a great majority of the principal clergy?

A much more interesting source of observation, to my mind, were the very few existing relics of the once celebrated monastery of St. Emmeramand a great portion of the remains of another old monastery, called St. Jameswhich latter may indeed be designated the College of the Jacobites; as the few members who inhabit it were the followers of the house and fortunes of the Pretender, James Stuart.

The severe laws passed against Jacobites

230 examples of  jacobites  in sentences