24 examples of latrine in sentences

I was still on duty at Versa, but the conversation in the R.A.M.C. Mess bored me, particularly at meals; it was all sputum and latrines, gas gangrene and the relative seniority of the doctors one to another.

We breed in an environment of asphalt pavements a body of people whose creeds are chiefly restrictions against other people's way of life, and have kitchens and latrines under the same roof that houses their God.

Forced to do coolie labour, to dig latrines for native soldiers, incredibly humiliating, such was their lot!

Did he get the treatment that custom ordains an officer should have, or did he also dig latrines and cook his bit of dripping meat over a wood fire like a "shenzy" native?

He is also the undertaker, and the digging of ditches and laying out of latrines all fall to his lot.

The farms where the slave-gangs labor like poor old Sysyphus and are sold off in their old age to the contractors who clear the latrines, or to the galleys, or, if they're lucky, to the lime-kilns where they dry up like sticks and die soon?

The latrines are clean and numerous enough.

The latrines are on the Turkish plan, with automatic water-flush, and discharge into the town drainage.

The day latrines are 100 yards from the living quarters.

Some latrines close to the barracks are kept for night use and are locked up during the day.

Turkish latrines have been fitted in the annexes of the palace.

The latrines are partly on the English and partly on the Turkish system, 1 to every 10 men, cleanly kept.

The latrines, on the Turkish system, consist of movable tubs, emptied each day by means of a "shadouf," and then disinfected with cresol and whitewash.

Turkish or English latrines are sufficient in number, odourless, and regularly disinfected.

dunghill, colluvies^, mixen^, midden, bog, laystall^, sink, privy, jakes; toilet, john, head; cess^, cesspool; sump, sough, cloaca, latrines, drain, sewer, common sewer; Cloacina; dust hole.

Use the latrines and don't go elsewhere to relieve yourself.

In open latrines cover your deposit with dirt, as it breeds files and may also be full of germs.

Urinate only in the latrines, or in the cans set out for this purpose, never on the ground around camp, because it not only causes bad smells but urine sometimes contains the germs of "catching" diseases.

When troops are likely to remain in trenches for a considerable time drainage should be arranged for, and latrines and dressing stations should be constructed in trenches.

They always defecate upon the open ground, and will not use privies or latrines

They had been forced to abandon their homes and their professions, and yet during the whole length of the war they found no higher duty to do for France than sweep out a barrack-yard or clean out a military latrine.

They have had to clean the latrines of negro prisoners, and were in some cases forced to work with implements which would make their task the more disgusting.

It had made neat double-length dug-outs where the wounded could be laid in during their passage down the mountain side; well-tended occasional latrines properly limed; dug-outs for sleeping and eating; overhead protections and tool-sheds where needed, and, as one came nearer the working face, very clever cellars against trench-sweepers.

I might tell you something that I saw of the cleaning out of certain latrines; of the education and antecedents of the cleaners; what they said in the matter and how perfectly the work was done.

24 examples of  latrine  in sentences