2 examples of laundrywoman in sentences

Our servantsthose who have been selected to wait upon us in the houseconsist of a man, who is quite a tolerable cook (I believe this is a natural gift with them, as with Frenchmen); a dairywoman, who churns for us; a laundrywoman; her daughter, our housemaid, the aforesaid Mary; and two young lads of from fifteen to twenty, who wait upon us in the capacity of footmen.

One of themthe eldest son of our laundrywoman, and Mary's brother, a boy of the name of Aleck (Alexander)is uncommonly bright and intelligent; he performs all the offices of a well-instructed waiter with great efficiency, and anywhere out of slave land would be able to earn fourteen or fifteen dollars a month for himself; he is remarkably good tempered and well disposed.

2 examples of  laundrywoman  in sentences