111 examples of monotonously in sentences

And as Kaviak, in spite of instructions, began to bawl, the Boy began to do a plantation jig, crooning monotonously: "'Grashoppah sett'n on de swee' p'tater vine, Swee' p'tater vine, swee' p'tater vine; Grasshoppah'" He stopped as suddenly as he'd begun.

The seconds ticked monotonously away.

He was stooped, and his protruding chin, with its tuft of dry flax, nodded as monotonously as did the head of his faithful beast.

much so that for days after that word kept ringing in my ears, as monotonously as a muffin bell on a Sunday afternoon.

An obese Chinaman with a walnutlike countenance in which cunning and melancholy were equally commingled was speaking monotonously through long, rat-tailed mustaches, while the others listened with impassive decorum.

Out of an old hat he produced a cage full of parrots; every parrot repeated her first name decorously, monotonously, until packed back into the hat and stuffed into a box which was then set on fire.

The crap-shooters, negro and white, squatted in a circle on the cabin floor, snapping their fingers and calling their points monotonously.

But Jack Rose only scratched and scratched monotonously, and now and then gazed at the middle of the speaker's stomach.

"As far as I can judge from her account, you are a monotonously amiable husband.

Then she climbed up on the high office-stool (climbed, I said, for she was a little, little thing) and went to work, opening the books, and copying from one to the other as steadily, monotonously, as if she had been used to it all her life.

The climate is not only monotonously hot, but for the greater part of each year is excessively moist.

A building so colossal in extent, and so monotonously meagre in conception, could not but have been a failure.

Tuesday, July 25, Wednesday, July 26.There is really very little to be recorded in these days, life proceeds very calmly if somewhat monotonously.

The 'old Christians' learned to use the word as a term of contempt for the 'new Christians,' or converted Jews and their descendants; but not too monotonously, for they often interchanged it with the fine old crusted opprobrium of the name Jew.

"Those accursed mandolin-strummers are getting away from us." Ulysses began to feel a certain boredom in these monotonously voluptuous days.

It would sound rapidly "one, two, three, fourone, two, three, four;" or "one, two, threeone, two, three," and sometimes "one, twoone, two," &c., and this, with intervals and resumptions, monotonously for hours at a time.

And he began to chant, without rhyming, without raising his voice above the pitch of talk, while the lute monotonously accompanied his chanting.

If examined closely the floor yonder bears the marks of feet that have walked monotonously to and fro in hours of thought.

The situation had repeated itself, monotonously, scores of times in his experience.

He seldom strikes the attention by those purple patches which make many of his contemporaries so quotable, yet, while by no means monotonously correct, it is equally seldom that he sinks much below his general level.

The long day crept monotonously away, and she welcomed the night which shut out the dreary prospect.

" A silence followed, broken only by the rain monotonously falling on the roof, and occasionally through the broad adobe chimney, where it provoked a retaliating hiss and splutter from the dying embers of the hearth.

I had offered myself frequently as a target by land and water; I had sat on the wall and tempted fate; and I had roamed the house constantly expecting to surprise Bates in some act of treachery; but the days were passing monotonously.

I had revelled in old ballads until I could recite nearly all of these precious relics of heroic times, or rather chant them forth monotonously enough in all probability, yet in a way that riveted his attention forcibly, and roused his high-strung poetic temperament to enthusiasm.

Killings had been monotonously frequent, but they usually had daylight and an audience to rob them of mystery.

111 examples of  monotonously  in sentences