1006 examples of nourish in sentences

" The Greeks also planted asphodel and mallow round their graves, as the seeds of these plants were supposed to nourish the dead.

THIS CLASS OF ANIMALS embraces all those that nourish their young by means of lacteal glands, or teats, and are so constituted as to have a warm or red blood.

A voice, not earthly, thus addressed The Símúrgh in his mountain nest "To thee this mortal I resign, Protected by the power divine; Let him thy fostering kindness share, Nourish him with paternal care; For from his loins, in time, will spring The champion of the world, and bring Honour on earth, and to thy name; The heir of everlasting fame.

Scarcely fifteen hundred million souls are to-day scattered through the few cultivated patches of the globe, and is that not indeed paltry, when the globe, ploughed from end to end, might nourish ten times that number?

The salt foam seems to nourish a spleen.

The course which the former had pursued for the preceding ten years, had, as we have seen, tended to alienate the people of America from her and nourish sentiments of hostility in their bosoms.

In early infancy, mothers are too much in the habit of giving thick gruel, panada, biscuit-powder, and such matters, thinking that a diet of a lighter kind will not nourish.

And there was something tremendous, in this ancient form whereby all stages of men bow in some now unrecognized recognition of the ceremonial of taking food to nourish lifeand more.

are you grown so suspicious, Thus on no proofs to nourish jealousy?

And it not only promotes the circulation of the blood, but expands the air-cells of the lungs, and thus helps forward that great change, by which the dark-colored impure blood of the veins is changed at once into pure blood, and thus rendered fit to nourish the system, and sustain life.

The right is like the moon increasing, bigger than the other part, and receives blood from vena cava, distributing some of it to the lungs to nourish them; the rest to the left side, to engender spirits.

If a woman nourish her husband, she is angry and impudent, and full of reproach.

I don't want any magistrates; these black-robed gentry are no use to me; let others nourish these idlers, who send brave thieves and honest assassins to the galleys; I love assassins and I honour thieves, and more, I choose that the culprits should judge the magistrates of the Republic."

The second group nourish no hopes of this sort; they hope for autonomy or self-government of the colonial species and pattern.

"The streams that nourish life, my babe must die!

It is delightful to me to think that my friends here have a cook who can prepare meals which are truly fit, not only to nourish the body without doing it any harm, but to gratify the most intelligent taste.

As a bee can extract pure honey from the blossoms of some plants whose leaves are poisonous, so some souls can nourish themselves only with the holier and more ethereal parts of popular belief.

These islets are in fact only the dry parts of a shoal, on which the sand has accumulated, and formed a soil to receive and nourish the seeds of plants, which have either been drifted on shore by the tide, or been brought by birds from the continent.

This in youth should be our care, To improve for future years; For if we flit from toy to toy, Chasing the painted bubble, joy, No real substance shall we find To nourish or improve the mind.

With Great Britain fighting side by side with France, with Russia attacking on the Eastern front, what hopes can Germany nourish now?

Their soil and climate are appropriate to white labor; they can live and nourish without African slavery; but the Cotton States cannot.

"It is very often left," replied their governess, "but, although the crop is a large one, it will be of inferior quality; and those who understand fruit-raising thin it out, so that the tree may not have more fruit than it can well nourish.

Such a land cannot help but nourish it.

This single argument of religion solves every difficulty, and leaves the mind in fortitude and peace; whilst the pride of sceptical philosophy traces whole volumes, only to establish the doubts, and nourish the despair, of its disciples.

It is only in Nature, who is rich enough to nourish and give to all those who trustingly cast themselves on her bosomonly in Nature, and the privacy of country life, that we can find rest and peace.

1006 examples of  nourish  in sentences