29223 examples of o in sentences

R82637, 27Aug51, George Leacock (C) LEAD on, O King; a Children's Day service.

Lead on, O King.

SEE Lead on, O King.

B-O-L alphabets and lettering templets.

© 18Apr24, A791959. R87465, 14Dec51, The Singer Manufacturing Co. (PWH) Instrucçoes para o uso da

o/w/o Amy Lowell (PPW); 20Dec54; R141068.

O homeland dear.

O radiant morn.



No say O to him?

No be good mans, no cry O to him?

A. O my dear, don't say so, he is both; and many times he shows terrible examples of his judgment and vengeance.

O where dat good book? A.

O me fain understand that, and if he do all things you say he do, surely he hear me say O to him; he makee me good if I wish to be good, he no kill me if I love him; me tink, believe him great God; me say O to him, along with you, my dear.

O me fain understand that, and if he do all things you say he do, surely he hear me say O to him; he makee me good if I wish to be good, he no kill me if I love him; me tink, believe him great God; me say O to him, along with you, my dear.

O me fain understand that, and if he do all things you say he do, surely he hear me say O to him; he makee me good if I wish to be good, he no kill me if I love him; me tink, believe him great God; me say O to him, along with you, my dear.

O, Sir, says Will Atkins, when God has sinners to reconcile to himself, he never wants an instructor; I knew I was unworthy of so good a work, and therefore this young woman has been sent hither as it were from heaven, who is sufficient to convert a whole nation of savages.

'O Cadurcis,' said a young noble, who was one of his extreme admirers, 'she is the only creature I ever beheld worthy of being one of your heroines.' 'Whom are you talking about?' asked Cadurcis in a rather listless tone.

'O Venetia, whatever you may think, I never wanted the solace of a sister's love more than I do at this moment.'

Eight o 'clock the next morning.

'Tis a matter o' conscience, an' you may take it at that.

An' twenty-five pound' is a heap o' money for such a man as you.

Spare us the dreadful rites, O mother!" answered the chief, in a quivering voice.

o' my sight!" The children, only too delighted to escape, rushed forth with whoops and hoots, demanding to be shown their hero, General Gates.

29223 examples of  o  in sentences