6 examples of out-thrust in sentences

Now once again Beltane brake from the jester's clutching fingers and striding forward, came face to face with one that bare a pike on mailed shoulder, and who, beholding Beltane, halted to peer at him with head out-thrust; quoth he: "Ha! stand!

she spake no word, her swimming eyes oped suddenly wide, and with arms yet outstretched she stared and stared beyond Sir Gui in so much that he turned and started back amazedto behold one clad as a dusty miller, a mighty man whose battered hat touched the lintel and whose great bulk filled the doorwaya very silent man who looked and looked with neck out-thrust, yet moved not and uttered no word.

But who art thou dost bear such a name, and wherefore cower and gasp ye?" Then stood the blind man with head out-thrust and awful arm upraised, before which Black Roger shrank and shrank to cower in the deeper shadow.

For a moment King disappeared under an out-thrust ledge; then she saw him again, the pack on his shoulders.

And Marcantoniowho knows?" He had drifted into his favorite reverie, and wandered abstractedly out upon the balcony looking longingly toward the rose-colored palace where his every ambition centred; but he felt the glittering, jeweled eyes of the patron saint of Venice glare upon him mockingly from his vantage point upon the column, while the very twist of the out-thrust tongue insinuated a personal message of malice and defeat.

You know, we French stormed Ratisbon: A mile or so away On a little mound, Napoleon Stood on our storming-day; With neck out-thrust, you fancy how, Legs wide, arms locked behind, As if to balance the prone brow Oppressive with its mind.

6 examples of  out-thrust  in sentences