75 examples of over-wrought in sentences

I told myself that I was the victim of a dreadful nightmare; that all this was the result of over-wrought nerves and that I should wake presently.

In my over-wrought state of the night before, it had seemed reasonable enough; but here, in the cold light of day, it seemed preposterous.

Of these he made warlocks and witches To run of his errands by night, Till the over-wrought hag-ridden wretches Were as fit as the devil to fright.

In this, as in the rest of her self-imposed tortures and degradations, the impulse manifestly came not from above, but from the mistaken imaginings of an over-wrought mind encased in a frail and delicate frame; and these morbid fancies were based on her intense passion for self-abasement.

Good-night, my pretty, good-night!" We were quite unprepared for what happened, believing that our poor friend was merely over-wrought and weary.

" A strange sound, half laugh and half cry, broke from the lips of the over-wrought Mrs. Dowson.

His Latin poetry shows, that he relished, with a just selection, all the refined and delicate beauties of the Roman classics; and, when he cultivated his native language, no wonder that he formed that graceful style, which has been so justly admired; simple, yet elegant; adorned, yet never over-wrought; rich in allusion, yet pure and perspicuous; correct, without labour; and though, sometimes, deficient in strength, yet always musical.

It fell more heavily than she supposed it would, and the clang sounded to her over-wrought nerves as if it filled the whole street.

Some owners of stud dogs will grant two services, and this is often desirable, especially in the case of a maiden bitch or of a stud dog that is over-wrought, as so many are.

All were hungry and happy, all better in mind and body,illustrating the wise providence of the instinct that whispers to the over-wrought artisan and bids him go sometimes forth on a summer's day to the woods and waters,a move which the marine character of the subject impels me to speak of nautically, but reverently, as taking himself and family into the graving-dock of Nature, for the necessary repairs.

If they wished for more, they were obliged to earn it by over-work.

It showed the over-wrought state of Jane's nerves that she started a little.

Lady Pinkerton said, passing her hand over her forehead in the tired way she had and shutting her eyes, 'My dear, you are over-wrought.

" Ken was over-wrought, and forgot that his brother probably was, also.

He told him to give the hands food enough, and not over-work them, and, having thus satisfied his conscience, left us to our fate.

Mr. B., after his return, frequently made the following statement to gentlemen of his acquaintance,"That the planters generally declared to him, that they were obliged so to over-work their slaves during the sugar-making season, (from eight to ten weeks,) as to use them up in seven or eight years.

Mr. B., after his return, frequently made the following statement to gentlemen of his acquaintance,"That the planters generally declared to him, that they were obliged so to over-work their slaves during the sugar-making season, (from eight to ten weeks,) as to use them up in seven or eight years.

At sight of her Martha Foote knew that she had to deal with an over-wrought woman.

"We are all as gay as larks," she wrote a few days later; and in spite of heat, drought, over-work and sickness, she continued in this mood most of the summer.

I burst out into a sudden rage; I was tired, my nerves over-wrought by sleeplessness and irritated beyond measure.

When alone in my own room I held my head with both hands and with a weary, over-wrought brain, began to think again of what had happened.

" "You spoke just now of over-work as a cause for this mental disturbance.

The short average life of stage-coach horses (three years only!) shows how dreadfully over-wrought and out-wrought they are by the great speed now in practice.

Doomed to what I then considered a living death, I thought of epilepsy, I dreamed epilepsy, until thousands of times during the six years that this disquieting idea persisted, my over-wrought imagination seemed to drag me to the very verge of an attack.

" "Well, you'd better stay there," shouted the over-wrought Mr. Rose.

75 examples of  over-wrought  in sentences