9 examples of paniers in sentences

He saw pyramid after pyramid of shrapnel shells abandoned in the rout, also innumerable paniers for carrying such ammunition.

These paniers are carefully constructed of wicker and hold three shells in exactly fitting tubes so that there can be no movement.

A man followed the Bey about holding in his hand a golden cup, and leading a mule, having two paniers on its back full of water, which was brought from Tunis by camels.

Dresses tight at the waist began to be made very full round the hips, by means of large padded rolls, and these were still more enlarged, under the name of vertugadins (corrupted from vertu-gardiens), by a monstrous arrangement of padded whalebone and steel, which subsequently became the ridiculous paniers, which were worn almost down to the commencement of the present century; and the fashion seems likely to come into vogue again.

Yes, they will carry a lady or gentleman on their backs, a sack of corn, or paniers, or even little children, but they must not hit them hard, if they do, they will fall off their backs; besides, it is very cruel to beat them.

Some of them are drawn by bullocks and some by camels; there are long caravans of camels with packs and paniers upon their backs.

Seulement, tous les quinze ou vingt ans, l'économe Et l'huissier du palais, avec des cuisiniers Portant tout un festin dans de larges paniers, Viennent, font des apprêts mystérieux, et partent; Et, le soir, à travers des branches qui s'écartent, On voit de la lumière au fond du burg noirci, Et nul n'ose approcher.

Mistress Fairsoul Pyncheon too, was there, the wife of the Squire of Ashe; thin and small, a contrast to Dame Harrison in her mild and somewhat fussy manner; her plain petticoat, too, was embellished with paniers, and in spite of the heat of the day she wore a tippet edged with fur: both of which frivolous adornments had obviously stirred up the wrath of her more Puritanical neighbor.

As Nehemiah leaves the city by the Fish Gate, he meets donkeys and mules bringing in sheaves of corn, or laden with paniers containing figs, and grapes, and melons; he meets men laden with all kinds of burdens, and women bringing in the country produce that they may sell it in the streets of Jerusalem.

9 examples of  paniers  in sentences