678 examples of recompense in sentences

Their talents become an arm to satirize those who have not given them a sufficiently large recompense, orworse still, and more unpardonablewho have served to them a meagre repast: "I went to the home of vile animals, Ait Rebah is their name; I found them lying under the sun like green figs, They looked ill and infirm.

In recompense, the poet subsequently sent to the Pasha some Turkish prisoners, with a letter requesting him to endeavour to mitigate the inhumanities of the war.

Had I known these circumstances before the completion 70 of my poem, I should have been tempted to add my feeble tribute of applause to the more solid recompense which the virtuous man finds in the recollection of his own motives.

The bigot will say it was the recompense of my errorsthe man of the world will call it the result of my imprudence: but never upon one head.... Reviewers, with some rare exceptions, are a most stupid and malignant race.

In this connection, therefore, it is extremely gratifying to state that very few enterprises of any kind have returned such generous recompense for the amount of capital invested as the telegraph and telephone lines in America.

He threw himself upon this and many other estates with the evident intention of making no recompense for them.

On the way he took charge of the territory which had belonged to Sadalus (who died childless and left it to the Romans), and invaded the country of the Bessi, to see if he could at the same time recompense them for the trouble they were causing and surround himself with the name and reputation of imperator, which would enable him to fight more easily against Caesar and Antony.

Thus am I cheated of my recompense.

This if you grant me, as I trust you will, Although I live not to requite this grace, Th'immortal gods due recompense shall give To you for this: and so, vain world, farewell My speech is painful, and mine eyesight fails.

The king pursued his purpose, marched forward, and in the frontiers of Silesia made a speech to his followers, in which he told them, that he considered them rather "as friends than subjects, that the troops of Brandenburg had been always eminent for their bravery, that they would always fight in his presence, and that he would recompense those who should distinguish themselves in his service, rather as a father than as a king.

I am endeavouring to show, that since laws must be equally obligatory to all, it is the interest of the few good men to submit to restraints, which, though they may sometimes obstruct the influence of their virtue, will abundantly recompense them, by securing them from the mischiefs that wickedness, reigning almost without limits, and operating without opposition, might bring upon them.

Enchanted by sight of a half-sovereign in the palm of his fare, the cabby executed this manoeuvre to admiration; with the upshot that Lanyard got home half an hour later than he would have had he proceeded to his rooms direct, but with information of value to recompense him.

It will be a terrible recompense if the price of our world-wide Empire is an Imperial vulgarity upon which the sun never sets.

For though the existence of God cannot be proved, it is true, by way of recompense, that it cannot be disproved; the same grounds which show us that the assertion of his existence is based on a weak foundation suffice also to prove every contrary assertion unfounded.

"It is the only recompense possible in such an unjust transaction.

Why, if I were a girl"his voice had dropped to the most persuasive cadence"I should value my beauty too highly to hide it behind a counter, and my subsistence should be the boundless reward of affection, rather than the niggardly recompense for wasted tissues!

Is there a recompense for the sufferings of a heartbroken father?" "There is balm for every wound, Brother Forbes, if we seek it.

The government of the United States can never recompense the people of Arizona for the atrocities committed by the Apaches.

"Then said he to him that bade him, when thou makest a dinner or a supper, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, neither thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbors, lest they also bid thee again, and a recompense be made thee.

But when thou makest a feast, call the poor and the maimed, the lame and the blind, and thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recompense thee, but thou shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just.

The recompense must be great and sure.

You will meet your recompense in Heaven.

The battle, fatal as it was in the aggregate, nevertheless afforded one signal triumph to Richelieu in the death of the Comte de Soissons, who was killed by the pistol-ball of a gendarme, to whom, as a recompense for the murder of his kinsman, Louis XIII accorded both a government and a pension.

And was this squalid victory a recompense for the risks he ran and the hardships he endured?

*recaer* devolve; fall *recibimiento* m. reception *recibir* receive *recién* recently *reclamar* claim, demand *recobrar* recover *recoger* gather, gather up; receive *recomendar* recommend *recompensar* recompense, reward

678 examples of  recompense  in sentences