20 examples of self-directions in sentences

In the League one practiced self-help, and enjoyed the twin luxuries of self-direction and self-expression, and came sooner or later to that strange new knowledge which is self-discovery.

It was plain that he meant his Negro hearers to make much of the Negro's capacity for self-direction.

The kindergarten can remedy these intellectual difficulties, beside giving the child an impulse toward moral self-direction, and a capacity for working out his original ideas in visible and permanent form, which will make him almost a new creature.

In private life they were accustomed to take care of themselves; in public affairs they had local legislatures, and municipal self-direction.

Irresolute in thought, impotent in will, and only occasionally fretted by circumstances into a feeble activity, he is an almost painfully accurate representation of a class of men who drift through life without any power of self-direction.

You may easily imagine, that I wished this courtship at an end; but when I desired her to shorten my torments, and fix the day of my felicity, we were led into a long conversation, in which Misothea endeavoured to demonstrate the folly of attributing choice and self-direction to any human being.

In some states masters were forbidden to hire slaves to themselves or to leave them in any unusual way to their self-direction; and everywhere they were required to maintain their slaves in full sustenance whether young or old, able-bodied or incapacitated.

He had the temperament of the great actors,that of the elder Kean and the elder Booth, not of Kemble and Macready,and, like them, had the power of almost instantly passing into the nature and thought and emotion of another, and of not only absolutely realizing them, but of realizing them all the more completely because he had at the same time perfect self-direction and self-control.

An eminent critic says,"Genius always lights its own fire,"and this constant double process of mind,one of self-direction and self-control, the other of absolute abandonment and identification,each the more complete for the other,the dramatic poet, the impassioned orator, and the great interpretative actor, all know, whenever the whole mind and nature are in their highest action.

However strong the memories of the ages lay upon them, they are capable of self-direction.

Great minds instinctively believe in the creative power of the mind, in its capacity for self-direction.

Charles Moon Bennett (A); 14Feb61; R271058. BENNETT, M. E. College and life; problems of self-discovery and self-direction.

John C. Bennett (A); 6Sep62; R300854. BENNETT, MARGARET E. Building your life; adventures in self-discovery and self-direction.

BENNETT, M. E. Problems of self-discovery and self-direction, by M. E. Bennett & H. C. Hand.

HAND, H. C. Problems of self-discovery and self-direction.

Charles Moon Bennett (A); 14Feb61; R271058. BENNETT, M. E. College and life; problems of self-discovery and self-direction.

John C. Bennett (A); 6Sep62; R300854. BENNETT, MARGARET E. Building your life; adventures in self-discovery and self-direction.

BENNETT, M. E. Problems of self-discovery and self-direction, by M. E. Bennett & H. C. Hand.

HAND, H. C. Problems of self-discovery and self-direction.

But when these free human wills organize falsehood, institute injustice, and establish oppression, they have passed into that mental state where will has been perverted into wilfulness, and self-direction has been exaggerated into self-worship.

20 examples of  self-directions  in sentences