30 examples of shakily in sentences

I rose to my feet, shakily.

Slowly, my life came back into me, and I made my way, shakily, up-stairs to bed.

"Then your second crew is with your first crew," said Slade, shakily.

Kaviak climbed timidly, shakily out, and stood in the middle of the floor in his bare feet.

With eyes fixed upon the wooden face to find out how far he might venture, shakily he dragged the cricket from where Mac placed it, closer, closer, and as no terrible change in the unmoved face warned him to desist, he pulled it into its usual evening position between Mac's right foot and the fireplace.

He seemed not to hear; he seemed not to see the Colonel, shakily hovering about the fire, pushing aside the green wood and adding a few sticks of dry.

she called, somewhat shakily.

"You're very kind," she murmured shakily.

Very slowly and shakily I scrambled to my feet.

I took the latter road, why I can hardly say, and summoning up my almost spent energies I pedalled off shakily between its high hedges.

When the latter stopped, Osborn got up and stood, rather shakily, with his hand clenched.

She laughed shakily.

"Hehe can give you everything" Dickie said shakily.

He awoke with a bad hangover and ate breakfast shakily.

"You will not!" cried the old man, shakily, in his distress.

'Our friend finished a new work only yesterday,' said Lord Francis shakily.

She laughed very shakily at the solicitude expressed by Columbus, and told him tremulously how absurd and ridiculous he was to make such a fuss about nothing.

" She laughed rather shakily.

His hands were steady upon the wheel, but he laughed a little shakily.

"Coming out all right," he wrote shakily in that gilt-edged diary.

"Howadji!" pleaded the Syrian shakily.

I am not thinking of the poor bride who shakily traces her name, or of the simple bumpkin who slowly writes his, making no secret of the difficulty with which he does it.

" "Please don't make me laugh!" begged Sylvia rather shakily.

she said shakily.

" She laughed faintly with more assurance, though still somewhat shakily.

30 examples of  shakily  in sentences