46 examples of social security in sentences

"What's your social security number?" She hesitated and then told him.

In 1850 a man reasonably conversant with the physical science of his time could have declared with a very considerable confidence that, given a certain measure of persistence and social security, these things were more likely to be attained than not in the course of the next century.

Forget the leverage of the Dayanand Social Security Scheme, it was Karnal Singh's khaki force which was largely responsible for the BJP ride to power.

GASKILL, NELSON B. Profit and social security; a study of costs, claims and controls under capitalism.

Editor-in-chief: John G. Herndon, Jr. Rev. © Holt, Rinehart & Winstorf, Inc. (PCW); Vol. 7. Insurance, Real estate, Public utilities, Federal Social Security.

HARRIS, SEYMOUR E. Economics of social security.

From relief to social security; the development of the new public welfare services and their administration.

The story of social security.

Country living; an aid to moral and social security.

as Social security and pay-roll accounting.

Regional organization of the Social Security Administration.

GASKILL, NELSON B. Profit and social security; a study of costs, claims and controls under capitalism.

Social security romance.

Old-fashioned social security.

SEE Stewart, A. W. STEWART, MAXWELL S. Social security.

HARRIS, SEYMOUR E. Economics of social security.

From relief to social security; the development of the new public welfare services and their administration.

From relief to social security.

If you carry a social security card.

as Social security and pay-roll accounting.

Regional organization of the Social Security Administration.

Western man has spent ten centuries in building a civilization aimed at economic stability and social security for the privileged.

Power elites in western Europe dealt with mass production and its consequent abundance of goods and services with mass marketing, social security and other crumbs of affluence scattered among the restless masses.

Seventh, legal provisions were made for social security against accident, sickness, unemployment, old age.

As an integral part of this maturing revolutionary situation a generation of human beings born since war's end in 1945 has come on the scene, surrounded by the concrete and glass buildings, block printed nylons, the automobiles and domestic appliances of monopoly capitalism and by the social security of socialism.

46 examples of  social security  in sentences