2140 examples of threats in sentences

I made many journeys to outlandish villages and settlements, with a small personal escort, fixed a table in the centre of the street, and with the aid of the parish priest and the president of the local council, heard and decided disputes, public and private, from threats and injury to the person to the possession and occupation of a farm.

The American captain enumerated other accusations against the Red Guard, such as threats to bayonet certain orderly disposed people who would not join the Bolshevik army, and warned the Red Commissar that these acts were contrary to the agreement entered into by the chiefs of the American and Red forces, and if such acts were repeated he would take steps to punish those who committed such breaches of their joint understanding.

He had not crossed more than a fourth part of the stream when Doctor Hodges arrived at the wharf; but neither promises of reward nor threats could induce any of the watermen to follow him.

"I have protested to him that she is not here, Sir Paul," said the latter, "but he will not believe me, and has compelled me, by threats of taking my life, to bring him and his companion to you.

What if, rendered desperate by his threats, Miss Bruce had been in some indirect manner the origin of his captivity and illnessMiss Bruce, the woman who of all others owed him the largest debt of gratitude (like most people, Tom argued from his own side of the question); for whom he had laboured so unremittingly, and was willing to sacrifice so much?

She was in that mood which makes the martyr and the heroine, sometimes even the criminal, but on which, deaf to reason and insensible to fear, threats and arguments are equally thrown away.

His own lofty conceptions of the dignity of human nature are sufficient for himself: "'While reason guides me, I shall walk aright, Nor need a steadier hand, or stronger light; Nor this in dread of awful threats, design'd For the weak spirit and the grov'ling mind; But that, engaged by thoughts and views sublime, I wage free war with grossness and with crime.'

This is but a trifle to the demands that will be made upon us, if we yield now under the threats of a mob,for men acting under passion or terror, or both, are a mob, no matter what their numbers and intelligence.

So, in spite of the angry surprise of the lord of Prudhoe, the Wylam men quietly held to their charter, and not all Odinel's threats or persuasions moved them one whit.

Their threats were of no avail.

In times of national emergency like the present,amid clamors of secession and of coercion,angry threats and angrier replies,wars and rumors of wars,what is more common than to hear sensible menmen whom the people look to as leaderspicturing forth a dire relapse into barbarism and anarchy as the necessary consequence of the threatened convulsions?

Not in angry declamation and wordy debate, in threats of secession and cries for coercion, amid the clash of party-politics, the windy declamation of blatant politicians, or the dirty scramble for office, is the destruction of the dynasty of King Cotton to be looked for.

To this ultimatum she kept rigidly in spite of her lover's protests and pleas and threats.

In addition to these facts there were threats against the United States which could not be ignored.

Mrs. Garie and the children lay crouching with terror in the wood-house, listening to the ruffians as they went through the yard cursing her and her husband and uttering the direst threats of what they would do should she fall into their hands.

The poor Marquess soon discovered that it was quite useless to stay where he was, for the purpose of venting threats and complaints; and he had no hope that the Court of France would think it worth while to go to war, for the sake of avenging his affront.

That the desire to possess this power, every tittle of it, is intense, is proved by the fact, that slaveholders cling to it with such obstinate tenacity, as well as by all their doings and sayings, their threats, cursings and gnashings against all who denounce the exercise of such power as usurpation and outrage, and counsel its immediate abrogation.

The panic-stricken leaves upon the alders and poplars announced the change with palsied movements and plaintive cries; the willows whitened, and bent towards the stream; and muttered threats of the strife-breeding spirits in nature seemed to issue from caverns half hidden by sombre foliage.

As long as the threats of Mr. Falkland had been confined to generals, I endured it.

I had but too much reason to believe that Mr. Falkland's threats were not empty words.

The threats of Mr. Falkland still sounded in my ears, and I was in a transport of terror.

Long accustomed to idle threats, they treated his warning with utter indifference; but they soon found their mistake, to their cost.

The two wrestled furiously together, the German breathing out savage threats in his own language.

Soon made conscious, by the coldness with which his invectives and threats were received by the principal Huguenot nobles, that he was only injuring by his unseemly violence the cause he sought to serve, M. de Bouillon nevertheless resolved to restrain himself, and to endeavour to effect a good understanding with Sully, whose personal importance on this occasion was powerfully increased by the influence of his son-in-law the Duc de Rohan.

Most of the barbarians, in fact, in their threats make all sorts of terrible boasts that are without foundation.

2140 examples of  threats  in sentences