14 examples of two-dimensional in sentences

The first thing that her eyes focused upon was a two-dimensional shadowy shape moving toward her along the ground in much the same manner as the shadow of an airplane would.

X-ray diffractometer, goniometer. spectrometer, monochrometer, UV spectrometer, visible spectrometer, Infrared spectrometer, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer, recording spectrometer; densitometer, scanning densitometer, two-dimensional densitometer.

Artists developed the technique of the vanishing point and with it the ability to paint three-dimensional representations on two-dimensional surfaces.

Rather, perspective painting allows an artist to relate between dimensions: representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional plane.

Anyone hoping to navigate a course had to be able to relate a two-dimensional map to the new reality of a three-dimensional planet.

The holograph allows us to represent not just three, but four dimensions on a two-dimensional plate.

The cry of the runners scatters the crowd, and even the panniered donkeys and perpetually astonished camels somehow contrive to become two-dimensional while the white procession goes by.

Two-dimensional fields in electrical engineering.

Two-dimensional fields in electrical engineering.

The sphere of the senses is two-dimensional: except for the slight aid afforded by binocular vision, sight gives us moving pictures on a plane, and touch contacts surfaces only.

If so, such four-dimensional movement may be the proximate cause of the phenomenon of growthof those chemical changes and renewals whereby an organism is enabled to expand in three-dimensional space, just as by a three-dimensional power of movement (the act of walking) man is able to traverse his two-dimensional spacethe surface of the earth.

To make the (two-dimensional) ink figure symmetrical, it had to be folded over in the third dimension.

Now could it be shown that the two-dimensional symmetry observed in nature is the result of a three-dimensional movement, the right-and left-handed symmetry of solids would by analogy be the result of a four-dimensional movement.

The moment he forsook the plane he would disappear from two-dimensional space.

14 examples of  two-dimensional  in sentences