44 examples of war-paint in sentences

"They are behind us, and are camped for the night," How he knew that I cannot tell; but I seemed to catch on the breeze a whiff of the rancid odour of Indian war-paint.

Gathering in a semicircle behind General Herkimer as before, we were hardly in position when Thayendanega, clad in all the bravery of his savage garb, and, what was most ominous, bedecked in war-paint, strode into the enclosure, followed by such members of his party as had accompanied him the day previous.

Indeed, he is almost the only man who has seen the Indians in their war-paint, and I own I think he was right in firing upon Mons.

From the white sand of the bottom Up he rose with angry gesture, Quivering in each nerve and fibre, Clashing all his plates of armor, Gleaming bright with all his war-paint; In his wrath he darted upward, Flashing leaped into the sunshine, Opened his great jaws, and swallowed Both canoe and Hiawatha.

See our war-paint, and feathers, and tomahawks!

" "Are they not in their war-paint, sir?

So they staged a special performance at the Opera for him, and invited him to supper afterward behind the scenes with the usual sort of ladies in full war-paint in attendance.

As they reached the outskirts of a clearing, they perceived a melancholy-looking savage in war-paint and moccasins seated by the side of a stream watching a colony of beavers busily engaged in making a dam.

He had watched human nature under every disguise, from the pomp of the ambassador to the war-paint of the savage, and formed his own clear, hard, shallow, practical estimate thereof.

"Old 'Personally Responsible' had got his war-paint on," "The Old War-Horse is smelling powder," were whispered comments.

Very different was he now, with scalp-lock and war-paint, under the shadow of the great oaks, his musket in his hand and his tomahawk at his belt.

His body was bent double, but as he came out from the shadow of the trees they could see that he was an Indian brave in full war-paint, with leggings, loin-cloth, and musket.

" We stepped aside while two military trucks in their gray war-paint went lurching by.

Suddenly out of the gloom there looms a Red Indian in full war-paint.

It was only on the rarest occasion that we donned full war-paint at Caddagat.

Thlinkeets: Exchanging wives; War-paint; Mutilations; Suicide.

If they think we soil our hands with war-paint, let them keep their own wristbands clean, but fight for their King as sturdily as shall we this time next month.

Does he believe I wear war-paint?

"The paint he wore was not war-paint.

Bolt upright, behind him, stood his chief scout and interpreter, a superb Oneida, in all the splendor of full war-paint, blazing with scarlet.

Although the day was warm for the early part of April, the sudden change from his customary clothes and spring flannels to nothing but the airy bathing suit and war-paint made him a trifle chilly; so he completed his costume by putting on a pair of scarlet bedroom slippers, edged with dark fur.

The anvil-din Resounds this message from the Fates: War shall yet be, and to the end; But war-paint shows the streaks of weather; War yet shall be, but warriors Are now but operatives; War's made Less grand than Peace, And a singe runs through lace and feather.

Jerry had his war-paint on.

I had forgotten that your Parisian grisette would no more dream of wearing a bonnet than of crowning her head with feathers and adorning her countenance with war-paint.

Then the curtains were suddenly drawn back, and the Ashantee kingcrowned with a feather head-dress, loaded with red and blue war-paint, and chained from ankle to anklebounded on the stage.

44 examples of  war-paint  in sentences