162 examples of weeke in sentences

Stow, in his "Survey of London," tells us that:"In the weeke before Easter had ye great shows made for the fetching in of a twisted tree or with, as they termed it, out of the wodes into the king's house, and the like into every man's house of honour of worship."

And I am tierd like a Calf with carrying a Kidde every weeke to the cottage of my maister's sweet Lambkin.

Ile sweare it was not brought into the Iaile, for there they scorne to shift once a weeke.

Now all those needlesse works are laid away; 455 Now once a weeke, upon the Sabbath day, It is enough to doo our small devotion, And then to follow any merrie motion.

Thus muche was written at Westminster yesternight; but comming this morning, beeyng the sixteenth of October , to Mystresse Kerkes, to haue it deliuered to the carrier, I receyued youre letter, sente me the laste weeke; whereby I perceiue you otherwhiles continue your old exercise of versifying in English,

I goe; which will be (I hope, I feare, I thinke) the next weeke, if I can be dispatched of my Lorde.

And Forraigne Mart for Implements of warre: Why such impresse of Ship-wrights, whose sore Taske Do's not diuide the Sunday from the weeke, What might be toward, that this sweaty hast Doth make the Night ioynt-Labourer with the day: Who is't that can informe me?

Good; And by the common poast: you every weeke Receiving letters from your noble frendes Yet none of their papers can tell any such tidings.

Alas, twenty pipes of Barmudas a day, six flagons of March[220] beere, a quart of Sack in a weeke, for he scornes meate; and the kitching wench to bring the shirt to him and the only band, for Cuffs he gets none but such as his drunkennes procures him with quarrelling.

and downe the riuer of Ganges to faires, buying their commoditie with a great aduantage, because that euery day in the weeke they haue a faire, now in one place, and now in another, and I also hired a barke, and went vp and downe the riuer and did my businesse, and so in the night I saw many strange things.

Which yet will not maintaine him a weeke: Such kinde of noblenesse gives no cotes of honour nor can scarse gette a cote for necessity.

O good Madam, I feed am with nothing but fire, a purpose, Ile besworne they eat me five Faggots a-weeke in Charcoale.

And breife with all: eather betwixt you too [sic] Make frendly reconsilement, and in presence Of this your brotherhood (for what is fryar But frater, and that's brother?), or my selfe Out of my power will putt you to a penance Shall make you in one weeke fyve fasting-dayes.

Oh sir, relish but your licour, as you doe your song, you may goe drunke to bed any day in the weeke.

Twere better, by thrice deuce-ace, in a weeke every woman could awe her husband so well as she.

Don' yo' tu'n yo' weeked li'l' eyes on Gideon.

This letter was first published by Mr. Collier in his "Memoirs of Edward Alleyn" in 1841, where he represents the following broken passage as part of it: "Aboute a weeke a goe there came a youthe who said he was Mr Frauncis Chaloner who would have borrowed X'li.

The paper on which this postscript is written is very much decayed, and has been broken and torn away by the accidents of time; but enough remains to show that the passage in question stands thus,the letters in brackets being obliterated: "Aboute a weeke agoe ther[e]


SEE Weekes, Agnes Russell.

Holt, Rinehart & Wineton, Inc. (PWH); 14Mar63; R312260. WEEKES, BLANCHE E. Literature and the child.

Blanche E. Weekes (A); 4Feb63; R309557.

degrees and twentie minutes, and then our portion of oyle was increased a glasse more euery weeke, so that euery man had foure glasses.

Thus the people daily bartered with vs for pewter and other wares, giuing so much victuals for a pewter spoone, as might well suffice one man for an whole weeke.

Here also every noone he looketh forth to behold Tamâshâh, or fighting of Elephants, Lyons, Buffles, killing of Deare with Leopards, which is a custom on every day of the weeke, Sunday excepted, on which is no fighting; but Tuesday, on the contrary, is a day of blood, both of fighting beasts, and justiced men, the King judging and seeing executions.

162 examples of  weeke  in sentences