1016 examples of widening in sentences

The augur tells his prophecy: "The first betoken plenteous years; the change Of banners shows of homes a widening range.

A strong-willed, earnest king was Wan, And still his fame rolls widening on.

In vivid language he depicts the great world-maelstrom, widening the margins of its prodigious eddy in the slow progress of millions of ages, gradually reclaiming more and more of the molecular waste, and converting chaos into cosmos.

Now as they stood fronting each other thus, the nun stirred beneath his close regard, turned her head, and on the instant Beltane knew that she had seen him; knew by the sudden tremor of her lips, the widening of her dark eyes, wherein he seemed to read wonder, joy, and a passionate entreaty; then, even as he thrilled to meet that look, down swept languorous lid and curling lash, and, sighing, she laid the dagger on the table.

Up and up they went, the sky widening and brightening above them.

All the broad East was laced with tender rings Of widening light; the Daybreak shone afar; Deep in the hollow, 'twixt her fiery wings, Fluttered the morning star.

Thence, indeed, the Weald spreads eastward in an ever widening delta till it is lost in the marshes and the sea.

Then once more the Friar bent his back, and, Robin having mounted upon it, he stepped sturdily into the water and so strode onward, splashing in the shoal, and breaking all the smooth surface into ever- widening rings.

First one, and then another, and then a third and a fourth exhibited a striking hypertrophy of the pituitary body and a consequent widening of the portion of the base of the skull which cradles the gland.

And suddenly, inside a widening green circle, she saw a face, the face of a young man with laughing gray eyes, and her heart beat with joy.

" M. Pougeot started up, his eyes widening.

Then, while she heard his footsteps in the hall and the closing of the front door, she saw a third thing clearly;realized the widening of the gap between herself and him.

The wain trains which had lately followed the packhorse trains over the Alleghanieswith the widening of the Wilderness Roadwere already bringing many comforts and even luxuries to the cabins of the well-to-do settlers.

Morris, who had drawn his knife and had prepared to leap with magnificent daring upon the wolf, turned with widening eyes, instinctively aware of impending miracle.

Are we to drift on to a disastrous intensification of our present specialisation of labour as labour, or are we to set to work steadfastly upon a vast social reconstruction which will close this widening breach and rescue our community from its present dependence upon the reluctant and presently insurgent toil of a wages-earning proletariat?

The drama excites our sympathies intensely, but it seems to me it is far too objective a medium to widen them appreciably, and it is that widening, that increase in the range of understanding, at which I think civilisation is aiming.

She exercised this not only through her books, but also through her personal ministries in those large and widening circles which centred in her literary and pastoral life.

In this way the members of the community miss the most bracing, widening, and elevated of the whole range of influences that create great characters.

This widening of his tolerance would be the natural result of a rational and realised consciousness of his own general fallibility.

They spoke each other at long and ever-widening range.

And I marvelled greatly at the lordly, river-like roll of the narrative, sometimes widening out into lakes and shallowing meres, but never stagnating in fen or marshlands.

" The streets seemed to me like rat holes, dark and wandering as chance directed, with just an occasional rift of sky, seen as if through an occasional crevice, so different from the boulevards widening out into bright space with fountains and clouds of green foliage.

"I'm trusting you not to take Eleanor near that dreadful island, Mr. Barnaby," was the admonition shouted across the widening gap of water.

The widening circle; a chart for recording one's ancestors.

Great public subscriptions to the sufferers from great disasters, such as the Irish and the Indian famines, the Chicago fire, the Galveston flood, the San Francisco earthquake, the great European war, bespeak a widening generosity.

1016 examples of  widening  in sentences