8 examples of wonts in sentences

Wherewith thou wontest to inspire All self-dead souls: my life is gone; Sad solitude's my irksome won; dwelling.

So wonts the world to pamper those that nought deserve, Whiles such as merit best, without relief do starve.

1265 Then gan he to himselfe new shape to frame, And that faire face, and that ambrosiall hew, Which wonts to decke the gods immortall crew, And beautefie the shinie firmament, He doft, unfit for that rude rabblement.

Their greedie mouthes of the expected spoyle; Through power of that his cunning theeveries He wonts to worke, that none the same espies; And through the power of that he putteth on What shape he list in apparition.

If the blinde Furie which warres breedeth oft Wonts not t'enrage the hearts of equall beasts, Whether they fare on foote, or flie aloft, Or armed be with clawes, or scalie creasts, What fell Erynnis, with hot burning tongs, Did grype your hearts with noysome rage imbew'd, That, each to other working cruell wrongs, Your blades in your owne bowels you embrew'd?

the daughter of the Queene of Love, Expressing all thy mothers powrefull art, With which she wonts to temper angry Iove, When all the gods he threats with thundring dart, Sweet is thy vertue, as thy selfe sweet art.

These forms are sometimes found in books; as, "WONT, a contraction of woll not, that is, will not.

"WONT, (w=ont or w~unt,)

8 examples of  wonts  in sentences