446 examples of battle-field in sentences

Consequently, until within the present century, comparatively little attention has been given to the dangers that hang over the army out of the battle-field, and but little provision has been made, by the combatants or their rulers, to obviate or relieve them.

" The small party in the motor includes a priest, and as it passes near Betz, at the northern end of the battle-field, they see a burying-party of French Territorials at work.

The battle-field as a place of settlement of disputes is gradually yielding to arbitral courts of justice.

" He who had been the commander of thousands, the king of the battle-field, at whose name princes grew pale and thrones tottered, was now a wanderer from house to house, rejected at every door.

It was in that very month that one evening I lay down in the bed, whence in the morning Windischgrätz had risen: and from the battle-field (Isaszeg) I hastened to the Congress at Debreczin, to tell the Representatives of the nation: "It is time to declare our national independence, because it is really achieved.

Their admiration for him was not only on account of his skill on the battle-field, and the skilful manner with which he planned and executed his campaigns, but the humane manner in which he performed his sad duty.

It may not be fashionable to compare these savers of human life with those who destroy life on the battle-field, but the valor and endurance of the former is at least as conspicuous and meritorious as the daring and suffering of the latter.

Is it as just as it is legal to argue the point so closely, when the lives of so many men are at stake; and is a small grammatical concession so serious a thing, that sooner than make it one should expose oneself to all the horrible feelings of remorse that the most rightful conqueror experiences at the sight of the battle-field?

I have seen men die on the battle-field, for instance, and they never cried, 'I die that my country may live,' or 'I have got my promotion at last;' they just stared up at the surgeon and said, 'Have I got to lose that arm?'

One of these women is an old nurse whom some of you may remember, Mother Bickerdyke, who went out onto many a battle-field when she was in the prime of life, twenty years ago, and at the risk of her life lifted men, who were wounded, in her arms, and carried them to a place of safety.

There was no figure huddled up on its rude couch, none stretched at the road-side, none toiling languidly along the dusty pike, none passing in car or in ambulance, that I did not scrutinize, as if it might be that for which I was making my pilgrimage to the battle-field.

I picked up a Rebel canteen, and one of our own,but there was something repulsive about the trodden and stained relics of the stale battle-field.

On the great battle-field of life, The warp of destiny is spread, And countless millions in the strife, Supply the woof with varied thread.

The "Note" on the battle-field of Sedgemoor, induces a "Query" concerning another equally celebrated locality.

In the third place the land of Judea, with its narrow western passes rapidly ascending to the heights above, enabled Judas to choose his battle-field at a point where only a few of the enemy could be brought into action and where a handful of valiant men could keep an army at bay.

For the board-room is often a battle-field where political or sectarian animosities exhibit themselves in a rugged way.

From the position of the battle-field it has been made out to their own satisfaction by those who have studied it on the spot, that the Firbolgs must have taken up a fortified position upon the hill called Ben-levi; a good strategic position unquestionably, having behind it the whole of the Mayo mountains into which to retreat in case of defeat.

A few determined footmen followed, going almost as fast as the horse, and actually reached the battle-field in season to do their share of the fighting.

On the battle-field, If you be so disposed, we meet again! Such matters men attain not in a dream!

" We admire and enjoy the heroic incident in Körner's short life, when, as he lay wounded on the battle-field, he scribbled his famous "Farewell to Life."

Go upon a battle-field when drums beat and trumpets sound.


with steeds and men The battle-field was gay; Steel closed in steel at Duffingen And joyous was our stripling then, And joyous the hurra!

When the battle-field was to be searched for the wounded and dying, no hand was more tender in its ministrations of kindness than his.

The King's army camped upon the battle-field.

446 examples of  battle-field  in sentences