Which preposition to use with detects

in Occurrences 229%

At this crowning puerility Mr. Kaminer paused suddenly, as if he had detected in his laughter a bray.

at Occurrences 16%

Some of the men who had been dismissed when they became disorderly, and had received nothing, wished to serve again: therefore he assigned them to one camp, in order that being alone they might find it impossible to corrupt any one else and in case they should wish to show themselves rebellions might be detected at once.

by Occurrences 8%

" "But could not the cavity be detected by sounding?"

on Occurrences 7%

A keen eye would also have detected on the features of that seeming Indian Sachem an expression of deep thought and strong emotion, that told of old remembrances not yet obliterated, and of feelings that belonged to home and kindred.

for Occurrences 5%

Before I realized it the show was over, and a detective that detects for the show had me collared and brought me up before a meeting of the managers.

with Occurrences 5%

It was at this very time that an assassin sent by him was said to have been detected with a dagger in the house of Caesar.

as Occurrences 4%

The presence of the moon during the past week has interfered with telescopic observations, or probably the comet might have been detected as a small round nebulosity, moving midway between the northern horn of Taurus and the bright star Capelle, towards Gemini.

to Occurrences 4%

The fourth stood upon his worth, he had newly found out strange mysteries in chemistry, and other rare inventions, which he would detect to the public good.

from Occurrences 3%

On this pass, whilst taking some plane-table observations, I was within an ace of being detected from an unexpected quarter.

through Occurrences 3%

The watch on deck would undoubtedly be a vigilant one, yet no eye could detect through that darknessunless by sheer accidenta submerged swimmer, cautiously advancing with silent strokes.

without Occurrences 2%

This, or the reverse, which we believe might happen any year, and could certainly not be detected without far more accurate observations and calculations for the mean sea-level than any hitherto made, would slacken or quicken the earth's rate as a timekeeper by one- tenth of a second per year.

among Occurrences 2%

He was not slow to detect among them the forms of Mrs Wyllys and Gertrude, attired in such a manner as to leave no doubt that they were at length on the eve of embarking.

behind Occurrences 2%

Only at the window itself, when the ticket-clerk, having made me repeat my demand, went to a distant part of his lair to get my ticket, did I detect behind me a wave of impatient and inimical interest in this drone who caused delay to busy people.

about Occurrences 2%

we are told that the Moors of Cochin were detected about this time communicating intelligence to the enemy, and that Trimumpara allowed Pacheco to punish them.

beyond Occurrences 1%

It might never meet this young woman's caprice to be flagrantly a Peavey in my presence, but her capacity for this, if she chose to exercise it, I detected beyond a doubt.

of Occurrences 1%

Save for this and the soft crackle of the grass and the aeolian song of the wind the earth was still; still as death; so still that, indescribably soft as it was immeasurably distant, the man detected of a sudden against it a new sound.

between Occurrences 1%

So, also, the great and fundamental controversies of religion arise, only when a discrepancy is detected between the inward and the outward rule: and then, there are only two possible solutions.

than Occurrences 1%

If you pay him by the day's wages, he will thresh no more than he pleases; though to be sure, the negligence of a thresher is more easily detected than that of most labourers, because he must always make a sound while he works.

before Occurrences 1%

Nor did there seem to be any doubt in the mind of the people that such would actually have been the result, had not the plot fortunately been detected before the time appointed for the outbreak.

amid Occurrences 1%

And there is yet the first tooth, forcing its way like a needle-point through rosy gums; and there is also the first stammered word, the "pa-pa," the "mam-ma," which one is quite ready to detect amid the vaguest babble, though it be but the purring of a kitten, the chirping of a bird.

under Occurrences 1%

" The brows went farther up at this until they were hardly to be detected under the broad rim of her garden hat.

above Occurrences 1%

And while we kissed and embraced each other with the affection of long lost sisters, still I could detect above the odor of cocktails an underlying current of soreness.

within Occurrences 1%

Casting a glance towards the entrance of the vault as if to make quite sure he was not observedthough he entertained little anxiety on that scoreMompesson stepped towards a particular part of the wall, and touching a spring, a secret door (not to be detected within the masonry except on minute examination) flew open, and disclosed another and smaller vault.

during Occurrences 1%

This tableland was so level that no declivity could be detected during the continuance of our day's journey, which lasted till 5.30, when we bivouacked without water; by taking the precaution of letting the horses feed on the outward track, and secreting ourselves after dark in the high grass, we passed the night without the necessity of keeping watch after midnight.

Which preposition to use with  detects