Which preposition to use with grimness

of Occurrences 20%

Long stayed he thus, to mark the fierce curve of nostril, the square grimness of jaw and chin, and the lips that met in a harsh line, down-trending and relentless.

in Occurrences 4%

And now I to have space for the Diskos, and a grimness in my heart; and I came round very sudden, and ran in among the men, smiting.

about Occurrences 2%

Tell me that!" His tone was mild, but there was a certain grimness about him notwithstanding.

as Occurrences 1%

"It was very base of Emily not to say a word about it," said John, smiling with as much grimness as utter want of practice, together with the natural cast of his countenance, would admit of.

for Occurrences 1%

" Avery's pretty mouth took an unfamiliar curve of grimness for a moment, but she banished it at once.

with Occurrences 1%

Wonderful the small grimness with which Julia Bride put off on this parent the middle-aged maximum of their case and the responsibility of their defect.

Which preposition to use with  grimness