Which preposition to use with happies

In Occurrences 2%

Since you love him, here To heaven and you I give my interest up And would I could as well commaund his heart As he might mine, beleive me you should then Affect you with as true and deare a zeale As ever I did him: I should be happie In making you soe.

as Occurrences 1%

Whatever ill before he did aby*: Had it beene death, yet would he die againe, To live thus happie as her grace to gaine.

by Occurrences 1%

I prayse God, to telle you that I conceaue there is nothing capitall, and for the reste I knowe at the worste his maty will pardonne all without hurting my fortune, and then wee shall be happie by God's grace.

Which preposition to use with  happies