Which preposition to use with nonplussed

for Occurrences 7%

These women have well-nigh tired me with devising tires for them, and set me at a nonplus for new sets.

for Occurrences 3%

You told us coming up from the station that you did all your own work because you didn't think it was patriotic to hire servants at this time and take them away from the more essential industries!" Nyoda looked nonplussed for a moment and then she laughed heartily.

at Occurrences 2%

He was nonplussed at my refusal to read the document, and left saying "acqui tiene V. nuevo servidor."

at Occurrences 1%

Bill was so nonplussed at the reception that it took him some little time to collect his thoughts.

of Occurrences 1%

But then, besides that the acknowledging of a creation is safe, and the denial of it dangerous and irreligious, and yet not more, perhaps much less, demonstrable than the affirmative; so, over and above, it gives me this advantage, that, let it seem never so strange, uncouth, and incomprehensible, the nonplus of my reason will yield a fairer opportunity to my faith.

as Occurrences 1%

Simmonds and Goldberger followed him, and their faces showed that they were as shaken and nonplussed as I. There was a third man with them whom I did not know; but I soon found out that it was Freylinghuisen, the coroner's physician.

as Occurrences 1%

We allowed him to do so, and for fully twenty minutes he followed a zigzag course that left us completely nonplussed as to the way we had come.

Which preposition to use with  nonplussed