Which preposition to use with suitability

of Occurrences 22%

The practice of the saints impresses on us the suitability of the church for the Church's official prayer.

for Occurrences 7%

The antiphons and responses were given in the older translation of St. Jerome owing to their suitability for musical settings.

as Occurrences 3%

In order to be in a position to make intelligent recommendations, in case legislation authorizing the setting aside of game refuges should be had, the Boone and Crockett Club, in the year 1901, made some inquiry into the game conditions on certain of the forest reservations and as to the suitability as game refuges of these reserves.

to Occurrences 3%

In selecting this, the first point to consider is its suitability to the audience.

in Occurrences 1%

He had only some doubts how far their tastes agreed,probably an absurd condition, in so much as we all know that love is often struck out by opposition, and that there is a pleasant suitability in a husband preferring the head of a herring, and the wife the tail.

Which preposition to use with  suitability