Which preposition to use with supple

as Occurrences 10%

He took me through the dark cedars at the same tireless pace, and in the gloom I could see him flitting ahead of me, his shoulders squared, and his limbs as supple as a race-horse's.

for Occurrences 5%

While yet a child her little right hand would control the bit of the charger, and she wielded the sword and spear, and hardened her limbs with wrestling, and made them supple for the race; and then as she grew up, she tracked the footsteps of the bear and lion, and followed the trumpet to the wars; and in those and in the depths of the forest she seemed a wild creature to mankind, and a man to the wildest creature.

in Occurrences 4%

He was lithe and straight as a poplar, and as supple in his movements.

of Occurrences 2%

Shere Ali was now just twenty-four, he was tall, spare of body and wonderfully supple of limbs, and but for a fulness of the lower lip, which was characteristic of his family, would have been reckoned more than usually handsome.

than Occurrences 2%

Her wrist was more supple than the steel foil itself, and she was left-handed.

to Occurrences 2%

Then her family, my bitter enemiesto supple to them, or if I do not, to make her as unhappy as she can be from my attempts Then does she not love them too much, me too little?

with Occurrences 1%

The explanation given was, that the south winds prevail in the time of sap, when the trees are supple with life and heavy with foliage, and consequently, that they yield before them.

from Occurrences 1%

These hands that once the sturdy bow Could supple from its pride, How stark and helpless hang they now Adown the stiffened side!

like Occurrences 1%

She was obliged to close her umbrella when she glided through the breach in the fence in the wake of the girl, who, slim and supple like a cat, glided on in front, bareheaded, in her ragged shawl.

about Occurrences 1%

She wore most frequently, at this epoch, black velvet that suppled about her well-asserted contours; and the very trail of her skirt was unlike another woman's, for it coiled and bristled after her with a life and motion of its own, like a serpent.

Which preposition to use with  supple