6 Verbs to Use for the Word cougars

But Navvy thought Jones addressed the cougar.

Emett was the first to catch the loose lasso, and he checked the rolling cougar.

"Good!" said Cousin Benedict, who, by chance, was listening to the conversation: "if there are neither lions nor tigers in the New World, which is perfectly true, we at least encounter cougars and jaguars.

I tried it because I had found cougars such good eating; I have always regretted that in Africa I did not try lion's flesh, which I am sure must be excellent.

One of the vagaries of the ultraconcealing-colorationists has been to uphold the (incidentally quite preposterous) theory that the tail of our deer is colored white beneath so as to harmonize with the sky and thereby mislead the cougar or wolf at the critical moment when it makes its spring; but this marsh-deer shows a black instead of a white flag, and yet has just as much need of protection from its enemies, the jaguar and the cougar.

"Emett, does he mean he saw a cougar or a track?" questioned Jones.

6 Verbs to Use for the Word  cougars