14 Verbs to Use for the Word impracticabilities

Reason and experience have alike demonstrated its impracticability.

He pleaded the probable utter impracticability of such an enterprise.

I spoke, showing the impracticability of the Committee.

On May 24th (our noon position being in latitude 28 degrees 1 minute South, and longitude 67 degrees 30 minutes East) we tacked to the South-West, having found the impracticability of making a straight course for Cape Leeuwin without first getting well to the southward, and in due time we reached the latitudes where westerly winds prevail, and were enabled to proceed onward on our course.

The look of the prisoner changed from one to the other, and he made an effort to rise, but debility caused him to fall backwards, and not till then did Jacopo perceive the impracticability, on many accounts, of what, in a moment of excitement, he had proposed.

But, hearing that Jarvis Burnside was to inspect it, he had decided to point out to Jarvis the impracticability of making a home out of the propertyunless for some rich man who might be induced to buy it at a figure worth while.

He proved the impracticability of reforming by sudden bounds, and of introducing changes haughtily schemed on the heights of official self-complacencychanges which were not justified by any intimate acquaintance with the country, nor by a living faith in any ideal, not even in one of negation, and in illustration of this he adduced his own education.

The doctrine enforced by the writer of this article, as regards the impracticability of domesticating a snake, has been proved entirely erroneous by the fact recited; and were there no positive instance adduced to the contrary, it does not follow that, because his effort, were ineffectual, such a thing is utterly impossible; indeed, I think, the failure of his project may be dated from the means to which he resorted for its accomplishment.

They saw then, as they often do now, the seeming impracticability of preparing themselves for occupations which they apparently had no chance to follow.

Several had stated the impracticability of the measure before them.

Still they suggested impracticabilities.

The difficulty and supposed impracticability of obtaining an amendment of the Constitution in this respect is, I firmly believe, in a great degree unfounded.

I suppose before she has been in school a full term she will have discovered the impracticability of her uncle's method of settling the vexed question as to the pronunciation of "either" and "neither."

But she proceeded with her usual kindness to explain to him the impracticability of the scheme which he had suggested, and the foundation of her argument was an explanation that such an appointment would be a violation of the Constitution, which forbade the king to create any new ministerial office.

14 Verbs to Use for the Word  impracticabilities