8 Verbs to Use for the Word stiffening

The word anchylosis signifies the stiffening of a joint.

She felt its stiffening in every fibre as she saw him pass around the ledge and start down toward the little pine; felt it as something which could build barriers and mount them with an invulnerable guard.

But in truth the Belgians needed no stiffening.

Again he drew nearer, not choosing to note the instinctive stiffening of her figure, the shrinking look in her eyes.

"I fear thy wound stiffens, and that the night air has added to the pain?" observed the latter, speaking in a kind and considerate tone.

She went on therefore with her occupation of cutting bread and butter for the children with no sign of annoyance save that slight, scarcely perceptible stiffening of the neck which only Gracie saw.

His hand was out, when he saw her face stiffen, her lips open to an "Oh!" of warning or of fear.

As Sarah greeted him, Hilda observed, with some dismay, a curious, very slight stiffening of her demeanourfamiliar phenomenon, which denoted that Sarah was in the grip of a secret grievance.

8 Verbs to Use for the Word  stiffening