17 adjectives to describe conglomerate

The geological features consist of a fine-grained sandstone interstratified with slate and coarse conglomerates.

The hill at the bend of the creek proved to be basaltic, with a stratum of ironstone conglomerate resting on it.

The island on which they landed, Marongas, has two hills of volcanic conglomerate and vesicular lava, containing angular fragments embedded.

The low woody portion of this island is strewed with flat blocks of the same kind of recent coral conglomerate that occurs in situ on the beach, also with quantities of pumice twelve feet above high-water mark of spring tides.

Porphyritic conglomerate, with a base of decomposed felspar, enclosing grains of quartz and common felspar, and some fragments of what appears to be compact epidote; very nearly resembling specimens from the trap rocks* of the Wrekin and Breeden Hills in Shropshire.

The soil varied from a brown loam to ironstone gravel, and in a few spots ferruginous conglomerate was visible.

Coarse-grained reddish quartzose conglomerate and sandstone; resembling the older sandstones of England and Wales, and especially the mill-stone grit beneath the coal formation.

Coarse-grained reddish quartzose conglomerate and sandstone; resembling the older sandstones of England and Wales, and especially the mill-stone grit beneath the coal formation.

And the only real freedom is the unimpeded conglomerate impulse to do right.

As a matter of fact, his speeches were poor in phraseology, a mere conglomerate of violence, prejudice and ignorance.

New technologies, global media, and the spread of international corporate conglomerates have forced just such a clash of worldviews.

And the only real freedom is the unimpeded conglomerate impulse to do right.

He was, indeed, if the tales current about him were true, the most remarkable character in all that very variegated conglomerate of characters which made up the filibuster army.

Although many of the leaders and top shareholders of global media conglomerates felt quite threatened by the rise of new media, their conscious efforts to quell the unchecked spread of interactive technology were not the primary obstacles to the internet's natural development.

Friable conglomerate, of a full brick-red colour, consisting of minute grains of quartz, with a large proportion of ochreous matter.

The lower courses of the grand wall, composed of huge blocks of gray conglomerate limestone, still remain, and there seems to be no doubt that they are of the time of Solomon.

SIMMS ISLAND, on the west of Goulburn's south Island (Narrative 1) is composed of a reddish conglomerate, nearly identical with some of the specimens above-mentioned.

17 adjectives to describe  conglomerate