59 adjectives to describe contention

The matter of the arrangement of Easter was for long a subject of very bitter contention in the Irish and in the English Church.

The passions which had been suppressed since the death of Manasseh burst out with all the frenzy and savage hatred which have ever marked the Jews in their religious contentions, and these were unrestrained by the four kings who succeeded Josiah.

Now the Eisteddfod is not only the great national festival of Welsh poetry and music and eloquence, it is also an oasis of peace amid the sharp contentions of Welsh life.

In the fierce contention that soon raged round the right of the archbishop to crown the king, and to deal as he chose with any prelate who might infringe his privileges, all other questions were forgotten.

If to these evils be added the combinations and angry contentions to which such a course of things gives rise, with their baleful influences upon the legislation of Congress touching the leading and appropriate duties of the Federal Government, it was but doing justice to the character of our people to expect the severe condemnation of the past which the recent exhibitions of public sentiment has evinced.

If they proved that strife and fight were necessary to the development of man, that without violence and bloodshed and endless contention the race would deteriorate, then she would say that it would be better to deteriorate and to die.

I was the affected with it, as I am afraid it was occasioned by the violent contentions between us.

There was very little contention or fighting among these revolting-looking creatures, though nearly every known species of the larger seals was among them.

The Grecian States were engaged in perpetual strifes with one another, and constant contention developed military strength; and yet the Greeks, until the time of Philip, had no standing armies.

Galt, and other more or less gossiping travellers, have accumulated a number of incidents of the poet's life at this period, of his fanciful dress, blazing in scarlet and gold, and of his sometimes absurd contentions for the privileges of rankas when he demanded precedence of the English ambassador in an interview with the Sultan, and, on its refusal, could only be pacified by the assurances of the Austrian internuncio.

Leviculus, to avoid the ridicule of his companions, took a journey to a small estate in the country, where, after his usual inquiries concerning the nymphs in the neighbourhood, he found it proper to fall in love with Altilia, a maiden lady, twenty years older than himself, for whose favour fifteen nephews and nieces were in perpetual contention.

This is not only a contention fatal to the pragmatic claims, but also bound up with other assumptions of Formal Logic.

He seems not to share in our sublunary contentions; he wears no sign of interest; when on a sudden there falls in a crystal of wit, so polished that the dull do not perceive it, but so right that the sensitive are silenced.

" This evening the forbidden subject of politics crept into our quiet community, and the result was an explosive contention which drowned even the braying of the agonizing trumpets outside.

His favorite contention was that there is nothing in the world that is not good for something, except war.

We should be most unwise, indeed, were we to cast away the singular blessings of the position in which nature has placed us, the opportunity she has endowed us with of pursuing, at a distance from foreign contentions, the paths of industry, peace, and happiness, of cultivating general friendship, and of bringing collisions of interest to the umpirage of reason rather than of force.

Behind all these formal contentions were the conflicting ambitions and the racial hatreds which no discussion could effectually resolve.

'Tis not at foreigners that we repine, Would foreigners their perquisites resign: The grand contention's plainly to be seen, To get some men put out, and some put in.

You, my dearest of friends,or, rather, you who would be, but for this one point of hopeless contention between us,do you remember a certain warm morning, last August, of which I told you then you had not heard the last?

The humanist contention that Truth is human rescues man from the despondency in which his failure to grasp absolute truth had left him.

" Torrey half-rose from his chair, his usually calm features reflecting his inner contention of grief, alarm, and protest.

The eighteenth century was in its nature easily seduced; liberal, generous, and open to allurements, it delighted in intellectual contentions, even the most dangerous and the most daring; it welcomed with alacrity all those who thus contributed to its pleasures.

He enjoyed an exceptional reputation for the frankness with which he would accept the legitimate contentions of his opponents or would even himself state their case.

Meantime contentions, tribulations, and a wasting frame seemed only to sharpen the wits of the indomitable warrior.

This passion of his for trees was of old a bone of contention, though very mild contention.

59 adjectives to describe  contention