11 adjectives to describe deepening

" He spoke with a flush deepening on his face, and arose with something like vigor.

In the blue twilight, fast deepening, the most familiar things became grotesque.

And I thought" She made another break, and there was a faint deepening of colour in her cheeks.

Even as he looked Nathaniel saw the flush deepen in her cheeks and her eyes light with nervous eagerness.

"The very same," responded Mrs. Gilligan, the gleam deepening in her eyes.

The Weimar period, however, when the poet by means of a great and severe self-discipline trains himself to the point of rigidity in order to become the instrument of his artthat period is, with Tasso, paving the way for the school of Grillparzer, while that infinite deepening of the poetic calling is a preparation for Otto Ludwig, Richard Wagner, and Friedrich Hebbel.

When Martha announced the third exercise, John's face took on a more than usually animated expression, and there was a perceptible deepening of the troubled look in his eyes, never entirely absent since Cicely had found him in the woods.

The coroner waited, a slight flush deepening on his cheek.

Extraordinary processes of thought, indicated by repeated rubbing of his forehead, had produced a high light in the middle and a corresponding deepening of shadow at the sides, until it bore the appearance of a perfect sphere.

She touched his hair with her beautiful white hand caressingly, as she had often done when he was a little child; but now, in this sudden deepening of her nature, with a new yearning.

Jim, with his dimple deepening, tossed the small paper into the air and caught it again deftly.

11 adjectives to describe  deepening