3 adjectives to describe illusory

illusive, illusory; delusive; mock, ideal &c (imaginary) 515; spurious &c 545; deceitful &c 544; perverted. controvertible, unsustainable; unauthenticated, untrustworthy. exploded, refuted; discarded.

Is there a pile of this kind so constant as not to render a rigorously accurate adjustment illusory?

To treat this offhand as the bare illusory [Footnote 1: Let me not be told that this contradicts a former article of mine, 'Does consciousness exist?' in the Journal of Philosophy for September 1, 1904 (see especially page 489), in which it was said that while 'thoughts' and 'things' have the same natures, the natures work 'energetically' on each other in the things (fire burns, water wets, etc.), but not in the thoughts.

3 adjectives to describe  illusory