15 adjectives to describe streamings

the child cried, and rushed on, clinging to Mary, dragging her on, her light hair streaming, her little white dress waving.

She was gone directly, without her bonnet; with her long, dark, childish hair streaming behind her.

And secluded convent chapels, Where veiled nuns kneel to pray, With a dim light streaming o'er them Through arches quaint and gray, While down the long and winding aisles Low music dies away.

But it is not only a magnet that is thus surrounded by lines of magnetic force, or by ether streamings.

A girdle encircles her hips, concealing the upper part of her thighs, against which beats a gigantic pendant streaming with carbuncles and emeralds.

Lucrative in terms of the hafta streaming in from the bars and brothels in the area.

For a moment the little group of ruffians stood staring, the light of their lantern streaming up upon their plumed hats, their fierce eyes, and savage faces.

These lines are still called "lines of magnetic force," or by some "magnetic streamings" "magnetic flux," or simply "magnetism."

And away they galloped, his overcoat streaming out behind, the maid's skirts flapping and her narrow apron flickering in the wind.

A girdle encircles her hips, concealing the upper part of her thighs, against which beats a gigantic pendant streaming with carbuncles and emeralds.

" There was no light shining in the parlour window, no pleasant home-glow streaming out upon the night.

It chaunced me on* day beside the shore Of silver streaming Thamesis to bee, Nigh where the goodly Verlame stood of yore, Of which there now remaines no memorie, Nor anie little moniment to see, 5 By which the travailer that fares that way

Through the thicket streaming, Lightnings now are gleaming; Thunders rolling dread, Shake the mountain's head; Nature's war Echoes far, O'er ether borne, That flash The ash Has scath'd and torn!

The broad light streaming out of the open door showed that, whatever his force meant, it had paled his face to exercise it.

We would linger too long, then there would be a great scramble for clothes, next for horses, and with wet hair streaming on our towels, we would go home full belt, twelve sets of galloping hoofs making a royal clatter on the hard dusty road.

15 adjectives to describe  streamings