11 adverbs to describe how to apportion

The fundamental use that money serves is to apportion one's income conveniently as it accrues and as it is spent.

The great benefits are that total wages and losses are apportioned economically to the points of maximum utility; that accumulation of capital by and for the wage workers is made regular, automatic, safe, and in great amounts; and that financial aid, physical care, and mental relief from, some of the most tragic anxieties of life, are given effectively and economically to the masses of the people.

These had formally apportioned among them the regions of Asia Minor, and each one of the three cantons raised its fixed tribute from the territory laid under contribution.

They could be supplied more effectively and apportioned more justly when they were public services open to all.

These, it may be said without indelicacy, were liberally apportioned to the aid of others,Mrs. Jameson being, for herself, simple, self-relying, and self-denying;holding that high view of the duties belonging to pursuits of imagination which rendered meanness, or servility, or dishonourable dealing, or license glossed over with some convenient name, impossible to her.

It is not that Nature, in adjusting the symmetries of her scenic structures, nicely apportions the skyscape to the landscape of a country merely for artistic effect.

Secondly, how shall we apportion that sum between the two kinds of wine?

There, the finest development of humanity, excellent institutions, wise laws, shrewdly apportioned offices, rationally ordered freedom, all the arts, including poetry and philosophy, at their best; the production of works which, after thousands of years, are unparalleled, the creations, as it were, of a higher order of beings, which we can never imitate; life embellished by the noblest fellowship, as portrayed in Xenophen's Banquet.

So, similarly, the counties apportion among the cities and townships within their areas, in proportion to the value of their taxable property, not only what they have to pay to the State, but also the sums they have to raise for county purposes.

"If the President does not take up this matter of organization and systematically apportion the subjects between us, we may possibly have no peace before June.

I always apportion the rheumatism wrongly, but she never does.

11 adverbs to describe how to  apportion  - Adverbs for  apportion