7 Metaphors for kidnappings

Kidnapping is an ugly offence in this country, and, in short, I advise you without more ado to hand over the two children.

Kidnapping being both a lucrative and a benevolent business, it is not strange it should be extensively practised.

Mego's kidnapping is the one scandal in the Kennel.

Kidnapping is a dire offense.

Kidnapping was, of course, a crime under the laws of the states generally; but in view of the seeming ease of its accomplishment and the potential value of the victims it may well be thought remarkable that so many thousands of free negroes were able to keep their liberty.

This last instance shows how far human nature is capable of going, and is an answer to those persons, who have denied that kidnapping in Africa was a source of supplying the Slave-trade.

He continued to accompany the young woman quite as if her kidnapping of him was a matter of course.

7 Metaphors for  kidnappings