21 Metaphors for se

" "What thou seest," the modest youth thereupon made her answer, "What thou seest is our dwelling, to which I am leading thee downward, And that window yonder belongs to my room in the attic, Which will be thine perhaps, for various changes are making.

And this thou seest is the sole hope of my line;the only heir that is left to the name and lands of Willading!

"Why, Henery,' ses Bob Pretty, 'wot are you a-thinkin' of?

strange, unknown *descoser* rip; open *describir* describe *descripción* f. description *descubrir* discover, disclose *descuidar* neglect; *se* be neglectful *descuido* m. carelessness *desde* from; * luego*

They only meets the harisocracy wot 'as pennies to frow about, they never passes the time of day with a plain walkin' feller like me wot ses 'is mind an' never puts on no frills.

Il est abreuvé par une fontaine qu'on trouve à un quart de lieue vers le midi, et dont l'eau, très-bonne, vient, par-dessur des arches, se rendre dans la ville.

"Better fire at the conjurer, I think," ses Bob Pretty; "and if things 'appen as he says they will 'appen, the watch ought to be found in 'is coat-pocket.

a year (etc.) ago; *se* become; *se cargo* bear in mind; *qué me he de

no, boy; thou seest this sword is mine. BLO.

"Thou seest we have not passed the time idly, though yesterday was a festa.

"Who would have thought it?" "Thou seest, brother, how unjust were thy suspicions," observed Aurelia, with an air of injured but not implacable virtue.

strange, unknown *descoser* rip; open *describir* describe *descripción* f. description *descubrir* discover, disclose *descuidar* neglect; *se* be neglectful *descuido* m. carelessness *desde* from; * luego*

*arma* f. arm, weapon *armar* lay, set up (as a plot) *armatoste* m. clumsy article *arrancar* snatch, pull *arrastrar* drag, drag out, draw *arrebatar* carry off, snatch; *se* be led away; rush *arredrar* terrify; *se* become terrified *arreglar* arrange *arreglo* m. arrangement, settlement

The "speculative results" obtained by Hartmann on an "inductive" basis are as follows: The per se (Ansich) of the empirical world is the Unconscious.

At once!" "Yes, Bill," ses 'is wife.

"Had not a voice thus warn'd me: What thou seest, What there thou seest, fair creature, is thyself.

*arma* f. arm, weapon *armar* lay, set up (as a plot) *armatoste* m. clumsy article *arrancar* snatch, pull *arrastrar* drag, drag out, draw *arrebatar* carry off, snatch; *se* be led away; rush *arredrar* terrify; *se* become terrified *arreglar* arrange *arreglo* m. arrangement, settlement

"II don't mind wot she ses," ses pore Charlie; "but you're making a great" "She's quick-tempered, is Emma," ses Mrs. Jennings.

"I shall turn it over in my mind," ses Sam, sucking 'is teeth.

"I'll give 'im a clout as soon as I get 'ome," ses Joe, who was very fond of 'is children.

undress *desorden* m. disorder *despachar* finish; *se* be quick *despacho* m. office *despedir* dismiss *despego* m. aversion, coldness *despeñar* precipitate *desperdiciar* fail to make use of; waste *despertar(se)* awaken *despojos* m. pl. remains *después* after; afterwards; *

21 Metaphors for  se