4 Words to use with esteem

They refused neither barley nor pulse when offered them, and they held in great esteem cattle, of which they got great quantities from Epirus.

"The young esteem life so endless, that they take little heed of the minutes that escape them; while we, whom age begins to menace, think chiefly of repairing the omissions of youth.

* m. love; * propio* self-esteem *amoroso* love (as in "love letters"), loving *amueblar* furnish *análisis* m. analysis *anciano* m. old man *ancho* wide *andaluz* Andalusian *andar* walk, go; *se en miramientos* be too particular; * a tientas* grope (as in darkness)

The great statue of "David," the two unfinished medallions of Madonna in relief, the "Holy Family of the Tribune" painted for Angelo Doni, and the Cartoon of the "Battle of Pisa" were now produced; and no man's name, not even Lionardo's, stood higher in esteem thenceforward.

4 Words to use with  esteem